Akito sighed as he looked at his face in the mirror, styling his hair as usual. The way he did it was quite strange for the 80's, way above his years. He had a singular strand of yellow hair meticulously placed at the front of his natural orange bangs. He spiked a couple pieces of his hair, stylistically leaving the rest of his hair down and combing it to fluff it out. He was always a huge fan of fashion, however he didn't particularly like that of his decade. He felt the bright vibrant colors and stylized hairstyles were excessive.

All of this made Akito stand out like a sore thumb in the hallways of his highschool. People often gave him strange looks, he had to admit, he disliked it. He didn't really like holding the center of attention or anything like that. He heard giggles from the edge of the hallway. He narrowed his eyes to see An, a fellow sophomore and Mizuki, a junior. An really disliked Akito, as Akito seemed to disapprove of Kohane. A sophomore at a different, private, school. Akito found her timid, and thought she had no resolve after having intercorse with her.

An thought of Akito as someone who only cared about himself. Akito wondered if that really were the case. He found himself on many substances and having frequent "encounters" (Sex) with people from school. Of course the public opinion of him was negative, and he couldn't really say it was wrong. It wasn't like he cared. He just hated being a popular topic. He rolled his eyes at An, fist bumping Mizuki. Mizuki and An were good friends.

However, Mizuki remained indifferent to Akito and An's problems, they just wanted to have fun. An huffed as she dragged Mizuki away. Akito walked down the hall, ignoring many nasty looks and jeers as he progressed. Akito paused as he recognized Toya Aoyagi standing in his way. His annoying slicked-back dual colored hair with a single strand that curled out caught his attention as well as his silver eyes that could cut into Akito with a but a mere glance.

Though he was relatively indifferent to a lot of things, Akito absolutely despised Toya Aoyagi. He was the bane of his existence. Toya frowned at the sight of Akito. The feeling was mutual. "Shouldn't you be sticking your nose in some stupid fucking book like a nerd or something?" Akito taunted, smirking a bit. Toya's face remained unchanged as he walked closer to Akito, crossing his arms. "At least I have I future. You stand for nothing but drugs and intercourse." Toya said, his tone assertive yet somewhat annoyed.

"Intercourse? Awww... Can the smart pretty boy not say the word sex?" Akito jeered, leaning in slightly as he furrowed his brow, puckering his bottom lip sarcastically. Toya narrowed his eyes. "No, I just prefer not to use language that's below me." Akito couldn't believe it, he felt frustrated. "Below you, huh? What? Do you think you're better than everyone else or something?" Akito growled, annoyance lacing his words. Toya rolled his eyes. "No, I just think I'm better than you." Toya said softly.

Before Akito could come up with a rebuttal, he school bell rang. Toya was gone like that. Akito didn't mind skipping class to get in a little fight, but it seemed Toya was quite the studious individual. How Akito hated that. Akito despised everything about Toya Aoyagi. He decided to skip class and smoke a cigarette in the bathroom to alleviate anxiety. He couldn't help but loathe the thought of showing his face in his classroom. He looked at himself in the mirror.

He took excellent care of his outer appearance, his was skin clear and his body was kept relatively fit. It was hard to keep active, he noticed his lungs were damaged, making him often short of breath. It only seemed to get harder. Yet, his own insecurities and self hatred kept him going. Maybe it wasn't the healthiest reason... But Akito didn't care. He glanced at the cigarette between his fingers. He had done this time and again, and he began to wonder if it were really stuck there.

Not in a literal sense, but he felt he'd never see a day where a cigarette wasn't by his side. It was even more depressing when Akito considered his passion for music. Though no one knew about it, he kept it a close secret. To think he actually cared about something and for someone else to see that... It was a scary thought. He shook it off, taking another huff of despair from his cigarette. Further segmenting his position. He sighed as a cloud of smoke left his rosy lips.

He dropped the used cigarette on the ground and stepped on it before throwing it away to his the evidence. He threw a piece of mint gum in his mouth to get rid of the cigarette breath and left the bathroom. He walked into his classroom disruptively, seeing everyone frown as he walked in. If he were truly honest, it hurt a bit. Though he put on a smirk, pretending as if he didn't notice. The teacher looked at him with a frown. "Ugh... Just spit out that gum and sit down..." She sighed.

Akito huffed, reluctantly doing as the teacher instructed as he leaned back into his chair. He was, for the most part, zoned out. He could care less about his teacher's words, and he imagined a song playing in his head. A soft melody with a harsh guitar. Quite the contrast. The song seemed to pause as Akito overheard some girls whispering. He flickered his eyes in their direction. "Hey, did you know that Toya Aoyagi said he'll be at the party at Tsukasa's tonight?" One whispered.

"Oh my god! No way! I heard he's never been to one before despite many invitations..! I hope I can get some time alone with him~" Another responded. Akito felt his ear twitch in irritation. A party..? At Tsukasa's? He found Tsukasa's infinitely positive attitude to be suffocating, but... His curiosity about Toya Aoyagi, a seemingly perfect individual, attending a party of that nature got the better of him. He was looking forward to seeing his enemy partaking in the very same things he criticized Akito about. Finally, something good had happened.

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