17| It really wasn't a mistake to marry you

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Karma called Okuda. And it didn't even take a minute before the woman answered her phone "hel-"

"Where are you?" He demanded impatient, he heard Okuda swallow nervously on the other side. "I don't think it matters, I know you want to see me Karma, since you probably already know everything. I'll go to you"

"I just can't believe you're capable of doing something like this, it's like our friendship meant nothing to you" Karma hissed. "I'll be waiting for you by the fountain in the park, explain everything to me when you get there" and without another word he hung up

Behind him Gakushū was standing still, knowing how angry, frustrated and sad Karma must be feeling. Then he approached his husband and hugged him from behind.

Karma tensed up in surprise before he looked over his shoulder, he smiled a bit at his husband. "Thanks for always being here" he said.

The two laced their fingers together and walked to the park, not mindful of the occasional stares from judgemental elders or ignorant young folks. Karma tugged Gakushū closer and pressed a kiss to Gakushū's cheek "I love you" he said

"I love you too" Gakushū responded.

When they finally got to the fountain, Karma's expression soured when he saw Okuda sitting there looking nervous. Standing beside her was Ren, who was smoking.

Ren waved at them when he saw them. "The two people you owe an apology to are here" Ren said tapping Okuda's shoulder.

The braided woman looked up and her face showed more nervousness and worry. Gakushū sighed, a part of him feeling sorry for her because she would be the subject to Karma's wrath

"Okuda" Karma growled, a pissed off expression on his face as Okuda cowered in front of him. "K-Karma" she stuttered. "I-I see you haven't suffered any other side effects from my..my concoction" Okuda tried to joke. She eyed Karma and Gakushū's interlaced fingers and a flash of envy showed in her eyes.

"No thanks to you" Karma snapped. "Explain to me what were you thinking? Did you really think drugging me would get me to love you? That tricking me into being with you would make the both of us happy? Sure maybe the first few months we'd be under happiness no matter how false and fake it is, probably because..you'll keep making me drink that 'love potion' of yours! What the hell Okuda?! What the fuck?!"

Okuda felt tears gathering in her eyes, blurring her vision. She removed her glasses and wiped her eyes, feeling sick to her stomach. "I'm sorry" she whispered

"Is that all you have to say?!"

"Karma" Gakushū placed a hand on Karma's shoulder and whispered something to him, this calmed the red head down a bit.

Sniffling, Okuda took out a tissue and wiped her eyes. "I know..what I did was wrong, in so many ways. And I know it will take a long time for you to forgive me and consider me your friend again, it's just that, I just..I just wanted-" more tears were rolling down her cheeks.

"I just wanted to be with you" she cried. "I've been in love with you..since we were in junior high Karma, I always admired how cool and handsome you were, how you're quick to adapt and think on your feet, I wanted to impress you so much" she sobbed. "But then the year ended, graduation came, we lost touch and then....I thought I lost my chance" she laced her fingers and looked at up at him

"And then I-- I saw you again, at the reunion, and my feelings came flooding back to me, I grew desperate because I didn't want to lose what I thought was my last chance"

Covering her face with her hands, Okuda's sobs echoed across the park. Karma's anger lessened, as he felt a spark of pity and maybe a little sympathy for the girl.

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