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Hours later the plane landed and Karma and Gakushū are back in Japan. Gakushū was tired from the long flight so he was quite drowsy when they were leaving the plane. He just wanted to go home and lay in bed.

Karma checked the time, it was four am. He gave Gakushū a long stare, the man was nodding off, he looked like he could fall asleep while standing up.

"Do you want to book a hotel? You don't look like you can endure another ride without falling asleep" Karma suggested. "There's a hotel right across from the airport"

"No I'm fine" Gakushū insisted. "Besides, my body is craving my own bed. I don't think I want to sleep in another hotel anymore" Gakushū took their luggage and pulled "Let's just go home and get well rested. So that tomorrow we can deal with Okuda with a clear, level head"

"I don't think I'll be able to keep a clear level head when I see her" Karma muttered

Gakushū kissed his cheek "Calm down"

This act of affection made the red haired man blush, before smiling. Gakushū was right, as much as he wanted to meet with Okuda now and demand answers from her, he was too tired. He probably wouldn't be able to comprehend whatever her excuse would be anyway

The two left the airport and waited for a taxi.

"Wait...am I going home..with you? To your home?" Gakushū asked. Karma smirked "we're married aren't we? Shouldn't we be living together?"

"How about you come with me instead" Gakushū suggested

"No way, I miss my own bed" Karma said. Gakushū frowned before looking at the hotel across the street. "We'll probably be bombarded with questions from our family members as soon as we enter our house, assuming they're still awake" he muttered. And if they aren't and Karma and he managed to get a good night's sleep that evening..they'll have to deal with their family members' assault of questions the next morning.

They both know they don't want to be overwhelmed anymore. "I'd rather we deal with one problem at a time. So let's confront Okuda first, and then answer to our family next" Gakushū concludes

He took Karma's hand in his

"Shu?" Karma asked. "I don't mind sleeping another night at a hotel" Gakushū shrugged "I don't mind it at all...as long as, you get to be in my arms all night" he smirked when Karma turned beet red. He was smooth, very smooth.

"I-- alright" Karma didn't argue anymore. The two pulled their luggage behind them and went to book a room for them to sleep in.


Hours later, Karma and Gakushū are having lunch at the hotel's cafe. They decided to meet with Okuda afterward

"So, I was thinking by the way. About what you said last night" Gakushū brought up. "About living together"

"In case you were wondering about my mother, I've been planning on moving into my own apartment" Karma said with a smile, an excited one. "I've been looking for the perfect one for weeks"

"Oh, really?" Gakushū was surprised.

"Yes. And I was thinking about finding a roomate" he added, looking at Gakushū with barely concealed excitement. Gakushū could barely contain his excitement too. It's obvious that this is the next step for their relationship, moving in together, they are husbands now.

First they will look for the best apartment to live together, heck with their money maybe they could buy a penthouse suite.

Then they could redo their marriage. They could have a proper wedding, with guests and a proper venue. He couldn't help but imagine Karma walking towards him in all white

Maybe even have kids. Does he even want kids? Does Karma like kids? How would they be as parents?

"Don't overthink! Be rational. We're not in that stage yet" he rationalized. But he couldn't help it. His new life with Karma...him and Karma...could you blame him for fantasizing about the future?

"Ren sent us a voice message yesterday" Karma said looking at his phone. Gakushū pulled out his own and saw that indeed Ren sent them a voice message. "What's it about?"

Karma shrugged and played the recorded message.

What they heard made them furious

"She wanted to take advantage of your drugged state!" Gakushū growled. "She was going to force you into being with her, ha! I bet the bitch would have kept drugging you for weeks, months, maybe even years if it means keeping you by her side!"

Karma was stony faced and silent. Then he stood up and headed for the exit

Gakushū stood up as well "Karma? Where are you going?"

Karma stopped, and said in a low voice "Watashi ga dorehodo ikatteiru ka anata ni wa wakarimasen...I'm going to Okuda"

It Wasn't A Mistake To Marry You(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now