Chapter 22

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George's POV

As soon as Harry left for the shrieking Shack, I found my brother Fred. I had to tell him what was going on, tell him everything I know. My mind was spinning with what I should do, and I couldn't navigate it alone, I needed my twin. I was petrified Evie would be hurt, but what could I do? After I explained everything to him, he understood my concern.

"She'll be OK Georgie, Harry won't hurt her," he explained.

"He's so angry Freddie, what if he hurts her accidentally?" I question.

"You care about her a lot Georgie," Fred muses.

"Of course, I do, don't you?" I quip.

Feddie looks at me sideways, "I do, but you know that's not what I mean," he replies.

I sit and think for a moment. He's right I do care about her a lot. I inhaled deeply before letting out a deep sigh. "She's a good friend, a close friend, Freddie. I enjoy her company," I reply.

Fred gives me a quizzical look but drops the matter. "Look there's nothing we can do here, and this isn't our fight. Why don't we head down to the courtyard?" Fred starts, patting my back as he talks. "When they return to the castle they will need a way in where they won't be caught," he suggests.

Lifting my head I stare at my brother, thankful to always have him by my side, "Great idea Freddie."


"Will you stop pacing, you're going to get us caught!" Freddie states, trying his hardest to whisper.

I jolt in my place before glaring at where he is sat on the bench. "Why aren't they back yet?" I say as I begin my pace once again. "What if something bad happened? What if someone got hurt?" I begin rambling, as my panic rises higher.

"You mean what if she is hurt," Fred mumbles under his breath and I scowl at him.

Just as I'm about to retort, I heard grumbles behind me and a familiar startled voice.

"Fred, George, what are you two doing out here?" Hermione asks.

"We knew you lot left the grounds, it was only a matter of time before you came back," Fred quickly gave me a side eye before continuing. "Figured you would need a discreet way back into the castle," Fred explains.

As Freddie speaks, I turn slowly to look over at Hermione. When I do, my stomach instantly drops at the sight I see before me. An almost lifeless Evie draped over Hermione's shoulders, has my heart racing. Evie's eyes unfocused and fighting to stay open, her body limp and her skin as pale as snow. "What happened?" I ask, my tone coming out far sterner than I had intended.

Hermione was struggling to keep Evie held upright, so I stepped forward to support. Taking her into my arms tightly.

"We'll explain later, we need to get them both into the castle. They aren't hurt, they're just drained." She states. "Evie will be stopping with us in Gryffindor common room tonight, until she has recovered."

Carefully, I pulled Evie's arm around my shoulders and gripped her tightly around her middle to keep her upright. Thank Merlin Hermione suggested she stay with us tonight. I lean in close to her ear, "Are you OK E?" I whisper softly.

It seems like she barely registers my question, but a faint "Mhmm," rumbles in her throat.

Once we are all safely back in Gryffindor common room, I lay Evie down on the spare bed in Hermione's dorm. After I have settled her onto the bed, I head downstairs where Hermione and Ron recount their evening to Fred and I.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2023 ⏰

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