Chapter 3

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The next few weeks flew by. Sirius looked after Remus during the full moon, while Evie stayed with Hope and Lyall. It comforted Evie to know that Remus had company. She always worried that he got awfully lonely when he went through this change. 

Sirius would often turn into his Animagus form, especially when he was walking through the moors with Evie. She found it fascinating how he was human one minute, and a dog the next. She begged Sirius to teach her how to transform, just like he did, but Remus said no. 

* * * * * 

"Absolutely not Evie, that kind of magic is difficult, not to mention incredibly dangerous if it goes wrong," he stated. 

"Ah c'mon Lupin, me and James were her age when we began to learn it," Sirius tried to persuade him. 

"Exactly, and look what happened to James when he first tried it!" Remus responded. 

"What happened to Dad?" Evie asked curiously. 

"Oh nothing serious, he was fine, he-" Sirius was interrupted by Remus. 

"Fine? FINE? James had antlers for two weeks! He was confined to the hospital wing and we all got detention for a month. AND I wasn't even involved in that mess, I just got dragged into the punishment," Remus shouted. 

"Oh yeah haha, Professor Monroe hated us though. He would have found any reason to give us a detention. Besides, James wasn't hurt. It was rather funny actually," Sirius smiled as Remus rolled his eyes. 

Sirius turned and whispered to Evie, who was giggling at the memory, "That's why we called him prongs, the antlers." He motioned his hands atop his head and pointed to the sky, re-enacting what the antlers looked like on James' human head. This made Evie burst with laughter. 

Remus cut their conversation, "The answer is no Evie, it is far too dangerous."

Sirius and Evie's laughter slowly disappeared. "What happened to the fun Uncle Moony who told me not to get caught if I was causing mischief?" Evie asked playfully, trying to persuade him to change his mind. 

"That Uncle Moony almost lost you last year, I couldn't bear it if anything like that were to happen to you again." Remus said sombrely. 

Sirius spoke, trying to lighten the mood "She'd look pretty funny with antlers though..." 

* * * * * 

Evie had packed her things and headed off to the Leaky Cauldron. She had asked Sirius again, before she left, to teach her how to become an Animagus. He simply smiled and said "I'll try and convince your uncle."

She left the house with a smile on her face, but it soon started to fade. 

Uncle Padfoot was innocent. He was kind, funny and yet everyone thought him to be a dangerous murderer. She couldn't even talk to Harry about it. Apparently it was too dangerous to involve him. 

Plus, how would she be able to convince her older brother that a man convicted of being a mass murderer, was in fact a sweet, caring person who was framed by a dead man. It wasn't realistic. Not unless he could meet Sirius, get to know him and understand that he is not what everyone makes him out to be. 

Harry never came round that summer. The Dursley's forbade him to leave the house. So instead, they wrote to each other. Although Harry had been quiet this last week, so Evie was looking forward to seeing him and checking he was alright. 

* * * * *

After catching up with Harry, the Weasley's and Hermione, Evie decided she would find Hallie and Addie. She knew they would be lurking around in the Leaky Cauldron somewhere.

As she walked along the hallway, she recognised a familiar face, but it wasn't the girls. Draco. She gave him a small nod which he returned along with a small smile. They had been writing to each other frequently during the Holidays. He hadn't had much to do, at least nothing he enjoyed anyway. His family had thrown many fancy dinner parties and a ball. Most of them were so boring, Draco had snuck off to write Evie a letter. Thankfully his father hadn't caught him. 

Draco's small smile soon disappeared once his father appeared at his shoulder. They continued to walk past Evie, thankfully Lucius hadn't even noticed Evie was there. 

Finally, Evie met up with Hallie and Addie, who were already catching up with Leo and Reggie when she arrived. The 5 of them excitedly began to chatter about how good it was to see each other again and how frightfully boring their summers were. After that, they headed to Diagon Alley to get their last minute school supplies. 

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