Chapter 1

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Despite being summer, the last few days had been dreary up in Yorkshire. Grey and rainy, a typical British summer. Thankfully, after the events of the last school year, Evie had fully recovered though her family had seemed a little more protective of her since she had come home. 

The summer thus far had been pretty uneventful. Lyall had been working a lot with the ministry and Uncle Moony had been keeping himself busy too. Hope had her usual day to day routines, she often pulled Evie in for a cuddle on the sofa and made her watch Charlie's Angels. Evie had spent most of her time writing to her friends. Ginny and the Weasley's had been on holiday to Egypt. When her brothers were pranking her, Ginny was sunning herself in the sand dunes. Evie felt lucky to have her friend back, both girls were incredibly lucky to be alive.

As Evie was finishing off a letter to Draco, she heard a strange voice coming from downstairs.

"REMUS... REMUS!" the strange voice bellowed. 

It wasn't Hope or Lyall, they were on a mini break in London. With all the time Lyall had been putting into work over the last few months, the Ministry decided to treat him to a bonus. This meant Evie and Remus were the only ones in the house... or so she thought. 

"REMUS DAMMIT WHERE ARE YOU, WE NEED TO TALK!" The voice cried again. 

Evie opened her bedroom door slowly as she heard Remus race down the stairs. 

"Be quiet! I don't think we have anything to talk about," Remus whispered flatly, as he arrived in the living room. The sound of the door closing made Evie jump. Who was this man? 

Evie waited and listened. She could hear this strange man and her uncle talking in the front room but she could make out what they were talking about. after a while, she made her way downstairs slowly, being careful not to make a noise as she crept along the creaking stairs. Evie had learnt by now, exactly where to step so as not to make the floorboards creak. 

As she reached the living room door, the men inside no longer sounded angry. Infact they were talking to each other rather fondly. 
"Oh Remus, it's been 12 years and I still miss them everyday!" the mysterious man sobbed. 

"The ones who love us, never really leave us, you know that," Remus soothed. 

Just then, Evie opened the door. 

The mysterious man she had heard shouting earlier, sat on the sofa looking dishevelled. One might have thought he had been dragged through a hedge, backwards. Though he was a stranger, Evie felt a certain familiarity about him. She could sense his aura was more scared than scary. He looked up. His already pale face grew a ghostly shade of white. 

"Lily?" he croaked. 

"Uncle Moony, Who is this man?" Evie asked gently, not wanting to scare the man further. 

The stranger looked between Evie and Remus like he was watching tennis and trying to figure out who was winning. "Uncle Moony?" he retorted as he arched an eyebrow. 

Remus ushered Evie into the room and under his arm. "Darling, this is Sirius. Your Godfather," he announced. "Sirius, this is Evie. She looks a little different to the last time you saw her."

Sirius slid from the sofa to his knees and wept, "I - I never thought I'd see you again little one." He laughed sadly, "Well, not so little anymore," he looked to the ground sombrely. 

Evie had heard all about Sirius Black, his posters were all over Diagon Alley. Now she finds out this man is her Godfather? She should be scared, she knew that. but she didn't. It is times like these she questions whether her empath abilities were reliable. He might look terrifying right now, but something about him didn't feel dangerous. He aura was more like a lost puppy. She hesitantly left Remus' side. She stood in front of this man, a little confused but hoping her abilities were right about him. "You're Sirius Black aren't you? The murderer who's escaped from Azkaban?" she said quietly. 

Sirius looked up straight away, looking almost hurt at her questions, no matter how softly she had asked them. "I am Sirius Black and yes I did escape from Azkaban, but I am no murderer," his voice was soft but gravelly. 

Evie looked to Remus, who had been eyeing her closely to gauge her reaction. 

"I know I have no right to ask this of you both, but I need somewhere to stay. Somewhere I can lay low for a while," Sirius pleaded.

"You can stay with us," Evie said instinctively. "Can't he Uncle Moony?"

Remus looked surprised but gave a small nod, "If you are ok with him staying here sweetheart, then yes."

Evie smiled softly. "You have a lot of explaining to do Sirius, but lucky for you I have time on my hands," Evie stated as she made her way to the door. 

Sirius stood and gave Remus a knowing smile. 

"Would you like a cup of tea? It's a dreary day and you... well I'm guessing you could do with one," Evie expressed.

He let out a small laugh, "Yes please." As Evie walked to the kitchen she heard Sirius whisper fondly, "She's just like her mother."

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