Chapter 2

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Sirius Black. Murderer, escaped from Azkaban. Extremely dangerous, do not approach. 

"I've seen the posters, they are everywhere. They say you are dangerous," Evie stated. She and Sirius were sat sat in the kitchen while Remus cooked dinner. Sirius had been living with them for nearly a week now. This was a usual evening these days, Remus would cook while Evie and Sirius Chatted. Usually, it would be about old times, memories of Lily and James. Today, Evie wanted to address the metaphorical elephant in the room. 

"Do you think I'm dangerous?" Sirius asked. 

She didn't. She felt conflicted though, the world was convinced that Sirius was a mass murderer who sold her parents out to Voldemort. Up until a week ago, Remus had believed Sirius was the reason for Lily and James' death. It wasn't until the conversation they shared on the day Sirius arrived that he changed his mind.

"No," She said quietly. "If you didn't tell them where we were, then who did?" her tone wasn't accusing him, she just wanted to know the truth.

"Wormtail!" Sirius said without missing a beat. "Our so called friend, Peter Pettigrew."

Evie had heard that name before. He was one of the many whom Sirius had allegedly killed. "But Pettigrew is dead," she responded. 

"Supposedly, rumour on the street is that I did it," Sirius stated. 

"Did you?" Evie asked. 

"No, but when I find him, I will. After what he did to your parents, I could never forgive such treachery." The sincerity in his voice was overwhelming.

While Remus continued to cook quietly, Sirius and Evie continued to talk. He explained how he had been framed for the murders. It was easy for others to believe given his family heritage. The Black family name was notorious for dark wizards. Most of them Slytherin, it wasn't hard to see how people would jump to conclusions about him.

The more they spoke, the more Evie realised that her initial feelings about this man were true. He didn't seem like a murderer, and the way his eyes light up every time he mentions the good old days told her that he couldn't have betrayed her parents. 

Now that confusion was beginning to clear, it was easy to see what a kind, caring man Sirius actually was, He and Moony were clearly very close as children and it was easy to see that the two of them were very comfortable around each other. 

As they all sat down to eat, Remus stated "I've got a job." 

Evie was shocked and excited "really, where Uncle Moony?" she asked. 

"Hogwarts, I'm the new Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher," he said sheepishly.

"SERIOUSLY!?" Evie Shouted.  "This is amazing!" she jumped up and hugged Moony, who let out a relieved breath. 

"I was worried you wouldn't be happy with me being around 24/7," he said as he squeezed Evie before releasing her from the hug. 

"Are you kidding, I hate leaving you at home," She said honestly. "But wait, what will you do about, you know... the full moon?" she questioned, concerned. 

"Don't worry, Dumbledore knows all about my condition and he will make sure I have a constant supply of Wolfsbane potion," he reassured. "So no stealing the ingredients and brewing up your own batch this year, do you understand me?" Remus said more sternly. 

Sirius' ears pricked up at this, "Stealing ingredients for a wolfsbane potion... Evie Where ever would you find such ingredients?" He looked at Evie with a mischievous smile, "Did you steal them from a teacher?"

Evie rolled her eye playfully at the two of them, "Uncle Moony I did say I was sorry about that but it was actually the perfect present you could have got last year, as I couldn't come home to see you. Sirius, yes. I stole them from Professor Snape but it wasn't a big deal, he didn't even notice the ingredients were missing. Plus he hates me less that the others, so I'm good." 

Sirius let out the loudest belly laugh Evie had EVER heard. "Snivellus is working at Hogwarts, oh Evie well done!"

Remus shot Sirius a stern look. 

He cleared his throat, "What I meant to say was, that was very wrong of you Evelyn you should never steal from teachers."

Evie giggled a little at Sirius trying to tell her off. "Why don't we look at the positives, we know I'm good at potions. That Wolfsbane is a tricky one to master," she said trying to make light of the situation. She had been scolded so many times for that one. "Anyway, I'm glad you will have your own supply of potions, now I only have to worry about Grams and Gramps at home, and you," she turned to Sirius. "Uncle Padfoot."

Sirius beamed from ear to ear, "Does this mean you believe me?" he asked. 

"I'm beginning to..." Evie Replied. 

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