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"Miko, move!" Flynn tackled Miko out of the way just as the ray from the blaster hit the ground, just inches from where they would have been. On the ground it  had turned a greyish-black color, the scent of scorched soil burned Flynn's nostrils and in his lungs. Is this girl crazy? She could have gotten the both of us killed! He yowled inside of his mind. With heaving breaths for fresh oxygen and sweat pouring down his forehead, Flynn dragged Miko to the other side of the boulder. Just over the top he made out the robust shape of Bulkhead taking down the Decepticon.

Flynn took Miko by the shoulders, giving the girl a once-over. Her face was stained with dirt and soot was caked in her pigtails. "What the Hell were you thinking?" Flynn demanded. "You could have gotten us killed!"

Bizarrely, Miko's lips were spread into a wide grin. "But I didn't is the thing." She replied. She too looked over the top of the boulder, just her eyes peaking out above. Flynn grit his teeth as to not snap at her, from the looks of things this girl wouldn't hesitate to run away again if she thought he was being too harsh. He got up beside her and looked over the rocks too. "Woo, Bulkhead, let's goooooo!" Miko hollered from their hiding place.

Flynn slapped his hand over the girl's mouth to get her to shut up. Does she not realize endangering our position is gonna get us absolutely decimated by these cons? Or...maybe she doesn't care? He shook his head. Now wasn't the time to speculate. Now was the time to get the Hell out of dodge before they were vaporized by the weird alien guns. "Shut up!" Flynn hissed. "I swear to god if you don't shut your mouth we'll be arriving back at base looking like fried, liquidated chickens, is that what you want?"

That got her to be quiet, but her lips were still tugged into a mischievous smile. This girl...no wonder her host parents don't care where she is. They don't wanna deal with this shit. With heavy intakes of breath, Flynn couldn't  shake the heavy guilt that plagued him after those thoughts. After all if he was right, Kayde had done the exact same thing that Miko had. The difference had been that he was sneakier about it and wasn't putting anybody else in danger with him. 

Bulkhead slammed the Decepticon soldier into the ground, sand and dirt flew into the air and the impact left dents in the Earth. The Decepticon grunted and lifted its hand to set on his face to hold him back. Bulkhead grabbed onto their head instead and slammed it down again. At the corner of his eyes, Flynn noticed Miko reaching for a rock, he grabbed onto her skinny arm and kept a firm hold. She dropped the rock and narrowly avoided crushing their feet. Flynn pinned her down on the other side while she squirmed, "I wanna help him!" She protested, going to claw at Flynn's eyes.

Flynn leaned back to avoid her nails, a snarl wrinkling at his nose. The sudden shriek of bending metal had both him and Miko looking up to see what had caused the commotion. Bulkhead was holding down the Decepticon under his weight and tearing out the internal wires just under its chest plate, a spew of green-blue liquid that Flynn had to interpret as blood gushed out and covered Bulkhead's hands and body, all over the rocks and floor. "Does it look like," Flynn growled through clenched teeth, "he needs help?" Who knew I'd be the one who has to be the guardian today instead of the huge killer robot.

Bulkhead crouched down behind the boulder, hiding the body as best as he could. He set a digit on the side of his head to activate the communications link built into him, while taking Miko into his free hand and holding her gently, firmly so she couldn't get away. Flynn rubbed his aching arms, glaring at the girl who looked as if she were having the time of her life, like they weren't in the middle of a situation where they could die at any second. "Arcee, Bumblebee," Bulkhead said, "do you copy?" They must have answered on the other side because he relayed, "I have a situation."

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