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Oh my God...they're huge! Flynn's entire body shook as he stared at these massive robot thingies. They were looking at him with curious, blue optics while Kayde was talking to the big one. They must have really messed up to make him that mad. I wonder what they said to him? He thought idly. Flynn adjusted the way he was laying down, straining his arms until he was in a sitting position. That already left him panting. "S-so, what's the verdict Ratcher?"

"Ratchet." The medical bot snapped. Flynn sunk back into the couch a bit. Oops. Bit sensitive about their names, aren't they? I'll make sure to remember them. The green one is uh...Bulky-something? Bulkyhead? Close but—Oh! Bulkhead! "You have a minor concussion, no broken bones, but some abrasions."

"Sooooo what I'm hearing is, I'm not dying?"


Flynn let out a long sigh of relief, letting his eyes close. His muscles gradually relaxed and his lungs finally took in the appropriate amount of oxygen. Now he could fully appreciate his surroundings. This place is massive...why are we here? Kayde had raised his voice and started yelling now, Flynn decided it was best to focus on whatever was happening first, then on exploring, if it was deemed safe enough. "...Listening." Kayde spoke.

Flynn sluggishly forced himself to his feet. Now upright, he staggered across the platform to join Kayde, leaning against his brother's shoulder. He looked down at his chest. Shame the tits didn't get cut off in the accident. He thought wryly. "We are autonomous robotic organisms from the planet Cybertron." The biggest mech in the room said. Kayde stiffened beside him.

"You're telling us that you're all aliens? Somebody didn't make you?" Flynn prompted. Kayde's arm wrapped protectively around him to assist with standing.

Bumblebee buzzed, his door-wings flitting happily. "Whoa there, Bee." Bulkhead said, "We should get that out of the way before even thinking about Primus." Primus? Who's that? Are they religious or something? Flynn paused for a moment. Do they have a robot Jesus?

Optimus Prime paused until the two bots had finished interrupting him, but not in the way a teacher would to an unruly class. His optics were softer, despite being crafted of metal, gears and cords, much more patient than Flynn had initially expected. "Cybertron has been dead for many, many Earth years. I cannot count how many." Oh, so this guy's old? Maybe they live longer than us...that'd make their ages different. If they're made of that metal stuff, then they're probably a lot tougher than us, right? Flynn attempted to logic.

He listened closely as the bot continued. His voice was so deep that the bass rumbled in Flynn's own chest, like the speakers at the front row of a concert. It continued to be terrifying, of course. Flynn leaned against the rail of the platform to hold himself up so his quivering legs wouldn't give out beneath him. "It was ravaged by war, lead by a warrior of whom I once called a brother." Oh...well, that can't be good emotionally. I hope big guy's coping okay. "The Decepticons," That must be the guys they were fighting. "Are the bodies responsible for the attack and attempt on your lives."

"Well," Kayde growled, "we didn't exactly bite the dust. It's a nice history lesson and all, but you still haven't explained why the Hell Flynn wasn't taken to a hospital!" Flynn pressed himself closer against Kayde, keeping his gaze pinned to the ground now. Eye contact had always been difficult for him, whether it was with a giant robot or not. "And most of all, what your war has to do with us and why we should care."

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