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Alison found herself far more than ecstatic; as soon as she had finished up with her final patient, Mrs Mc'clair, she had rushed straight back to the convent as quick as she could to prepare herself for her very own date with Michael. She wanted to please Michael, show him how beautiful she could truly look if she actually put in a bit of effort. This was her chance to prove to Michael she can be a wonder, her one chance to sweep him off his feet as she didn't have to wear her uniform which most days had baby sick clinging to the ends of it every time they had crossed paths.

She had the urge to go fancy tonight - prove to him how pleasing she can come across. She pulled out her dearest red dress into reach and held it against her graceful skin showing off each and every curve, admiring not only herself, but the beauty's of the dress itself. It had a corset top laced with patterns leaving her in awe as it showed off its divine features.

She was planning to style her hair to perfection, perhaps intwine her brunette locks into curls to be set with a glamorous red bow holding it all in place. She wanted to come across as more than astonishing - still managing to present herself in a rather eye catching way, looking elegant yet also much like herself.

She was also contemplating with herself whether or not she should inform the other midwife's on her date with Michael, after what occurred at the breakfast table she was sure she was not yet she also knew they would find out sooner or later, it was just a matter of time. Gossip spreads like a wildfire around Small Heath so it was probably best to tell them what's happening before they find out from others which would probably be twisted into a lie of some sort.

The clock above her bedside table read four o'clock meaning Michael was bound to be at the convent within the next hour or so. Alison saw this date as more of a testing, testing whether she thought Michael, perhaps in the future, could be the one for her. After all he has never left the back of her mind. She has done everything she could to present herself worthy for Michael, she washed her hair, washed her body, put on a slight touch of makeup and even pulled out her best dress, she didn't know why she was doing this she just felt the need to.

Soon enough Cassidy stumbled into their shared room alongside Theresa. It seemed as though the two had only just finished their shifts explaining the bags hovering under their eyes.

"Where are you off to ay?" Cassidy asked grabbing Alison's hand and making her do a little twirl for the three, "You look beautiful Allie".

Alison chuckled to herself before staring at her reflection through the mirror, her dress was a nice fit yet she still hadn't managed to do her hair, the nerves stopping her from doing anything, "Thank you Cass, i'm just going to my cousins, she lives in the area and i haven't visited her in quite some time".

Of course that was a lie, Alison was quite the perfectionist at lying, her mind can just come up with all sorts of excuses whenever and wherever they're needed. Although she was exceptionally good at this, Cassidy and Tessa were not to be taken a fool of, they could easily see right through their friend.

"Don't be absurd Alison, you've never mentioned a cousin in Birmingham before, you said they all moved away. Where are you really going?" Tessa questioned sitting herself on one of the two beds placed in the room.

Alison sighed before putting on quite the fake smile, she was not planning on giving this lie up anytime soon but she was also not in the mood to argue, the girls could not know of her date with Michael, "I assure you, i am going out with my cousin. We're going to some fancy restaurant outside of Birmingham and maybe after that she offered to take me dancing".

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