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The following week was unlike no other for Alison, as the Nuns had stated the season was heavy and packed with plenty of mothers around Small Heath due of a baby meaning Alison had to be on job each day, non stop with no slacking around. Although her midwifery duties had taken up the majority of her time over the last seven days, there was still no sign of Michael when she was out and about rushing to her clients houses. However she may have just missed the sighting of the man, you know with all the running around she's been doing it would be no surprise that she hadn't caught a glimpse of Michael.

Deep down she knew this was a good thing and could most likely benefit her in the long run, after the date the two had ventured themselves on (which ended in quite some dismay) Michael had never once appeared in the back of Alison's mind, of course he may have for a split second or so but she'd usually just push that thought away. Right now midwifery was the most important thing in her life, not Michael.

These thoughts only made her think for the worst, perhaps her and Michael weren't meant to be, maybe this date was just a sign of saying thank you and then they would leave it at that, both continuing on with their busy lives and never crossing paths again. Or maybe it was the complete opposite, the date did mean something, it could've been a sign for what could possibly occur in the near future, but as always both Michael and Alison were oblivious to this, their heads pulling them away from one another as if to signal the two were not a suitable match for each other.

Alison and her friend Theresa were planning on going to the shops this morning as they somehow had both found themselves with twenty minutes of free time away from their duties, god knows how that happened. But anyways they were choosing to spend their time wisely and not waste it on something which will bring them no excitement, some may say a shopping trip, even if it was just to the local supermarket, was rather boring and not thrilling in the slightest, but in their mind, it brought them more pleasure than any man could provide them with. I mean what fits more perfectly than two, young females with money to spend in a shop? Nothing.

The duo had no time to spare, they were out of  the covent door at eight o'clock sharp. If there was one thing the two could come to an agreement on, it was that neither of them were willing to waste any of their precious twenty minutes slumping around doing nothing when they could be out, enjoying the freedom they were fortunately granted with.

Alison and Tessa were strutting through the foul, feculent streets of Birmingham, arms intwined with one another's with open smiles plastered across each face. They were excited, ecstatic even, words couldn't describe how grateful they were that they were to be given this opportunity to have a break for once, well for a few minutes at least.

"How on earth did both of us manage to find ourself with time off?" Alison squealed as the two skipped, a hop in each step too show off how happy they were, "I honestly can't recall the last time we were actually able to go on a shopping trip with one another, everything's been so hectic recently."

Tessa turned her head until it made its way onto her best friends shoulder, "I have no idea. But i cant thank the Nuns enough. And i know! It's absurd not being able to spend more of my time with you!"

Alison shrugged, placing a cigarette in between her lips that her friend had kindly offered to her, "Hopefully over the next couple of weeks or so we have the blessing to actually hang out more, i would really appreciate it."

"So would i, i love you."

It wasn't long after their conversation ended that they had found themselves only about five minutes away from their destination, all that talking must've passed the time without the two even realising. Times like these will forever be Alison's favourite, she will treasure them always keeping them locked in her heart safe, where the memories belong. Times where she can just speak effortlessly to those she loves the most in life, spending each second she manages to get her hands on with them.

love without warning | Michael GrayWhere stories live. Discover now