Chapter 11: What's in the attic?

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The atmosphere in my living room was a mix of anticipation and unease as the gang gathered for movie night. My parents had retreated to their room for the evening, leaving us with an assortment of food, snacks, and a pile of classic movies to choose from. We settled into our spots.
There was still some discussion with somber undertones, as Maxine and Cole delved into the mysteries that had plagued our town in hushed whispers with Jordan's girlfriend's murder as the first topic of conversation. They dissected the details, and some of us joined in offering our own theories and speculations, but the truth remained elusive.

"And then there's Mark Johnson," Cole interjected, his voice tinged with frustration. "He was a creep, sure, but that doesn't make his murder any less horrifying."

Vincent's brows furrowed as he added, "We need to be cautious. It's clear that whoever's doing this isn't afraid to go after anyone."

Lydia exchanged a glance with me, her eyes holding a determined glint. "Speaking of going after someone, Alaine and I met with Jordan last night. She told us some interesting things."

I took a deep breath, recounting the encounter with Jordan and the unsettling information she had shared. As I spoke, I could feel Vincent's gaze on me, his expression growing increasingly tense.

"And that's not all," Francine chimed in, her voice tinged with a mix of excitement and apprehension. "I did some digging and found out that the night of the first murder, Johnson was seen with someone else near the crime scene."

Vincent's jaw tightened, anger flickering in his eyes. "Why the hell didn't you guys tell me this sooner?"

Lydia quickly intervened, her tone calm yet firm. "We didn't want to jump to conclusions without more information."

Maxine and Danny exchanged a quick glance, sensing the rising tension. Maxine spoke up, her voice gentle yet assertive. "Hey, let's not fight. We're all in this together, right?"

Danny nodded in agreement, his bandaged arm serving as a reminder of the dangers we faced. "Maxxie's right. We need to stay focused and work as a team.

"The mood gradually shifted, and the conversation turned more lighthearted as we shared stories and laughter. However, beneath the surface, there was an undercurrent of unease. Maxine and Lydia seemed off, their smiles not quite reaching their eyes. 

Recalling my mental note from before, I took the opportunity to pull each of them aside separately, wanting to understand what was bothering them. Lydia's gaze flickered over to where the boys were sitting, a subtle shadow crossing her features.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked softly.

Lydia's response was hesitant, her eyes narrowing slightly. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired, I guess."

I could sense there was something more, but I didn't want to push further. Maxine, on the other hand, seemed more open to talking.

"Alaine, I just... I'm worried about Danny," she admitted, her voice tinged with concern. "I don't want anything to happen to him again."

I offered her what I considered to be a reassuring smile, placing a hand on her arm. "We'll be careful, Maxxie. We're all looking out for each other. Besides, you aren't the only one who is worried about him." Her lips thinned as she searched my eyes. Oops. Did I give myself away? Best friend or not she was still a bit slower on reading people than I was. I brushed it off with a smile and led her back to the group.

As the evening wore on, the relaxed atmosphere returned, albeit tinged with a sense of vigilance. Francine and Vincent engaged in playful banter and flirtation, while Cole playfully mocked their antics. Danny excused himself to find a movie cassette that my parents had forgotten to retrieve from the attic, leaving the rest of us waiting in anticipation.

We settled on an old movie from the '70s as Danny seemed to be taking his sweet time coming back, the grainy images flickering on the screen as we lost ourselves in the storyline. Hours slipped by, and just as the tension began to ease, a blood-curdling scream shattered the tranquility.

We rushed toward the source of the sound, bumping into furniture and tripping over our feet on the rugs, our hearts pounding with dread. As we located the scream to be outside, we exited into my backyard. 

There she stood.

My mother was hysterical, her cries echoing through the house and the neighborhood. The lights flickered on and some windows in the neighboring houses opened up as people awoke from the screams. Our eyes widened in horror as we surveyed the scene before us – my father's lifeless body lay sprawled on the ground outside, bloodied and broken. 

I couldn't believe my eyes, standing frozen as my brain tried to process the horrifying scene. The window on the second floor was completely shattered, leaving a chilling message that seemed to taunt the very air around us. His bones were twisted and contorted into something unrecognizable from the man that had stood in the living room hours prior smiling at us. There was no smile on this face. There was barely a face left, with slashed wounds all across his face.

A surge of panic gripped us, my heart pounding wildly in my chest, drowning out every other thought. It was like a terrible dream, one that refused to release its hold on me. The shattered window seemed like a gateway to a nightmare realm, and the chilling reality of my father's still body lying on the lawn threatened to shatter my fragile composure.

But I couldn't afford to let the horror consume me. I couldn't let the terror and grief wash over me, not yet. There was something else driving me, a fierce determination that pushed me forward even as my mind screamed for me to stop and process the overwhelming chaos around me.

I surged into the house, an unstoppable force driven by equal parts fear and anger, my friends trailing behind me in confusion. The walls seemed to close in, the very air heavy with the weight of unspeakable tragedy. Danny's name hung on my lips, a desperate mantra as I searched every room, every corner, every nook and cranny. "Daniel! Danny, where are you?"

The urgency in my voice mirrored the frantic beat of my heart. The fear for Danny's safety mingled with a fit of unrelenting anger toward the faceless killer who had invaded our lives. It was as if a switch had been flipped, transforming me from a girl overwhelmed by sorrow into a determined force of nature, my sole purpose to find Danny and find some solace in my grief.

My gaze darted from room to room, my hands shaking as I flung open doors, my breath coming in ragged gasps. The rest of the group followed their voices a blend of concern and caution, trying to rein me in. But I was unstoppable, driven by an almost primal need to find Danny and confront the darkness that threatened to consume us all.

My fingers brushed against something wet on the wall, and I froze, dread pooling in the pit of my stomach. Blood. Danny's blood. A sharp cry escaped my lips, a mix of relief and renewed fear. "Over here! I found something!"

The group converged around me, their expressions a mix of worry and dread as they followed my gaze to the bloodstained wall. Maxine let out a strangled sob as her eyes widened and it was like this had only just brought her to the realization of what could have happened. Vincent's arms tightened around her, a protective embrace. But I couldn't afford to break down, not now.

"He's hurt," I breathed, my voice catching in my throat. "He's just hurt, but he's still alive. We have to find him."

Vincent's voice cut through the tension, his words a stern warning that clashed with my frantic determination. "Alaine, we need to be careful. We don't know where the killer is. We need to call the police and let them handle it."

I turned to him, my eyes blazing with a mixture of fury and determination. "No, Vincent, we can't just wait around! Danny's out there, hurt. We have to find him, and we have to make sure this killer doesn't escape."

My words hung in the air, a challenge to our fears. I could see the uncertainty in their eyes, the war between caution and the overwhelming need to protect one of their own. But I was unyielding, my heart a raging storm of emotions that refused to be contained.

Vincent's expression hardened, his jaw set in a firm line. But it was Cole who stepped forward, his eyes locking with mine in a silent exchange of understanding. "She's right, Vincent. We can't just stand here. We have to find Daniel."

I couldn't let fear hold me back – not when Danny's life hung in the balance. But before I could go on, Maxine seemed to think the grief was only hers as she began to scream and run out of Vincent's arms.

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