Chapter 2: Neon nights and summer stars

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The anticipation for Lydia's party had been building since we first set the date. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a cascade of warm colors across the sky, our excitement reached a fever pitch. It was that magical time between dusk and dark, when the stars started to twinkle, and the world seemed to hold its breath in anticipation.

Lydia's house, a stylish oasis nestled on the outskirts of Zepotha, was alive with activity. The lawn was adorned with colorful paper lanterns, casting a soft, ethereal glow that danced in the warm breeze. Whitney Houston's voice blasted through the speakers, and the unmistakable aroma of grilled burgers filled the air.

We gathered around the makeshift dance floor that Lydia's dad had set up on the patio, under the twinkling lights. Neon clothes and scrunchies seemed to be the fashion of the evening. I couldn't help but grin at the sight of Maxine's wild, teased hair, and Danny's white T-shirt with the sleeves rolled up.

Lydia, the queen of the party and master of ceremonies, sauntered over with a wicked smile on her lips. "Ladies and gents, it's time to boogie down!"

As the music throbbed and the night embraced us, we danced and laughed, letting the cares of the world slip away.

Maxine pulled me onto the dance floor, and I couldn't resist the infectious rhythm. We spun and twirled, our laughter merging with the beat. Danny joined us, his moves surprisingly smooth for someone who claimed he couldn't dance.

"Don't you dare laugh!" Danny shouted over the music; his eyes gleaming though his expression was sheepish.

"Laugh? I am in shock! How dare you hide that talent," I replied, trying my best to look stern but failing as a giggle escaped me.

The night wore on, and the party continued in full swing. Lydia's pool became a hub of activity, with people splashing and laughing under the shimmering moonlight. There were a lot of unfamiliar faces, but I tried not to think anything of it. I found myself sitting on the edge of the pool, my feet dangling in the water, lost in thought.

"Enjoying the view?" Danny asked, plopping down beside me.

I smiled, glancing at the stars reflecting on the water's surface. "Yeah, it's like a whole new world out here."

"You know," Danny began, his voice soft, "we've got an entire summer ahead of us. Adventures waiting to be had."

I looked at him, his brown eyes holding a promise of something more. "What kind of adventures are you thinking?"

He grinned, that mischievous glint in his eyes. "Well, there's the haunted woods behind Maxine's house. They say strange things happen there under the moonlight."

I chuckled. "Are you trying to scare me, Danny?"

He shrugged, a playful smirk tugging at his lips. "Maybe a little. Being scared isn't a bad thing you know."

As the night rolled on, we kept talking and laughing, away from the rest of the group. But that didn't stop my constant feeling of eyes stabbing into the back of my head with mean glares. I would look around but remain at a loss of where it came from.

Laughter echoed as Maxine and Lydia gathered a group of us with a few unfamiliar sophomores and juniors around the bonfire they had set up a little further from the pool. The crackling flames painted our faces with an orange glow as we shared stories, toasted marshmallows, and reveled in the camaraderie that only a summer night could bring.

"We really need to start taking applications for more guys for this group. Are we sure Danny isn't gay?" Francine posed, and the shot a suspicious finger at him. "Well Daniel, fess up!" She raised an eyebrow as she jokingly squinted.

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