Character Descriptions

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The following descriptions are for the characters in this version of the story.Names of the characters may change. For now, this is what the author has decided.

Alaine ("Laney"):

Personality: Curious and determined. Alaine is resourceful and always eager to unravel mysteries. She's a loyal friend and cares deeply about her group's well-being. But sometimes her mind wanders to darker places. Wonder why.

Appearance: Short, brown hair that's usually tied up in a messy bun or clipped into elaborate styles. Bright blue eyes reflect her curiosity and enthusiasm. She's often seen wearing comfortable jeans, a T-shirt, and sneakers, ready for any adventure.

 She's often seen wearing comfortable jeans, a T-shirt, and sneakers, ready for any adventure

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Lydia ("Dia"):

Personality: Confident and charismatic. Lydia is the natural leader of the group, always taking charge in tough situations. She's protective of her friends and has a strong sense of justice. She has much more complex and confusing relationships with the members of the gang and ironically enough is closest to Francine despite always being on bad terms. She does not seem to like Danny being part of the group very much and makes it well known how she feels.

Appearance: Long, wavy black hair that she occasionally dyes with vibrant streaks. Piercing green eyes that can be both intense and captivating. She has an edgy sense of style, favoring leather jackets, band T-shirts, and combat boots. She tends to wear much bolder make up than her peers but somehow looks amazing with it, making Francine jealous of the attention.

 She tends to wear much bolder make up than her peers but somehow looks amazing with it, making Francine jealous of the attention

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Maxine ("Maxxie"):

Personality: Analytical and witty. Maxxie is the brains of the group, often dissecting information and finding connections. Her humor is dry and she's quick with sarcastic remarks. She also seems to enjoy (albeit be equally uncomfortable) Danny's company.

Appearance: Shoulder-length curly brown hair, usually pulled back in a ponytail. She sometimes sports circular glasses but after Francine and Lydia's constant teasing, she doesn't wear them as often making her slightly clumsy. Maxine has a practical style, often wearing jeans, button-up shirts, and sneakers. She is scared to show too much of her skin, but Alaine tries to help her childhood friend become more comfortable with herself.

 She is scared to show too much of her skin, but Alaine tries to help her childhood friend become more comfortable with herself

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Daniel ("Danny"):

Personality: Easy-going and charming. Danny is the friendly joker, lightening the mood with his humor. He's dependable and always ready to support his friends when they need it.

Appearance: Messy brown hair that falls into his eyes, often pushed back with a casual flip. Bright hazel eyes that exude warmth and friendliness. Danny's attire is relaxed, with graphic tees, jeans, and a pair of worn-in sneakers.

Cole ("Charcoal"):

Appearance: Sooty black hair that is messily arranged on his head. He sometimes steals the girl's hairclips to accessorize his head. Playful blue eyes that seem to twinkle with mischief. Cole's style is casual and comfortable, often seen in graphic tees, cargo shorts, and flip-flops.

Personality: Laid-back and adventurous. Cole is the risk-taker and thrill-seeker of the group. He's always up for a challenge and doesn't take life too seriously, bringing a sense of fun to their investigations. Vincent's younger brother. He has been friends with Danny for a few years now.

 He has been friends with Danny for a few years now

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Vincent ("Vinnie"):

Personality: Calm and observant. Vincent is a thoughtful and introspective member of the group. He's often the one to notice details that others might overlook and is a calming presence in stressful situations.

Appearance: Tall with a lean build. Dark, wavy hair that falls over his forehead. Deep brown eyes that reflect his thoughtful nature. Vincent usually opts for comfortable clothing, like well-worn jeans, plain T-shirts, and sneakers. Cole's older brother is going into his Junior year.

Francine ("Francie"):

Personality: Strong-willed and direct. Francie is the no-nonsense voice of reason in the group. She's fiercely protective and doesn't hesitate to speak her mind.

Appearance: Long, silky blonde hair that draws you in. Intense blue eyes that can be intimidating but also hold a sense of vulnerability. Francie prefers a valley girl style, often seen in headbands, leg warmers and miniskirts depending on the occasion. Over-accessorizing is her hobby.

Jordan ("Jordie"):

Personality: Enigmatic and mysterious. Jordie is a bit of an outsider, keeping to herself and often lost in thought. She has an air of intrigue around her, making others wonder what she's hiding.

Appearance: Wild, brown hair that she wears loose and unstyled. Hazel eyes that seem to hold a secret. Jordie's fashion sense is eclectic, with oversized sweaters, ripped jeans, and an assortment of unique accessories.

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