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Matthew got into Hanbin's class. The bell had just gone off, signaling the beginning of Lunch break. He got into the class to remind Hanbin of the promise he made.

He spotted Ji Woong first, his head was rested on the window, he was listening to music with his AirPods. Once he saw Matthew, he quickly removed them and paused his music.

He smiled at Matthew and Matthew smiled back waving. Matthew went over to Hanbin's desk and they quickly hugged.

Matthew looked over to Zhanghao's desk and didn't see him there. He immediately remembered their last interaction.

"Where did Hyung go?" Mattered asked and Hanbin looked after Zhanghao's desk.
"Oh..I don't know, probably the restroom. Anyways, I know you're here for what I promised"

Matthew immediately smiled as Hanbin reached for his bag. Hanbin took out a bag of Pokémon cards.

"Wow, you're really gonna give me your whole collection?" Matthew asked in awe as he took the bag from Hanbin before Hanbin would want it back.

"Sure, anything for you" Hanbin said smiling and stood up. "Come on let's go out for lunch" Hanbin said pinching Matthew's cheek.

"Ah yes..but wait I need to show Ji Woong hyung these" Matthew said smiling. Hanbin chuckled
"Yeah yeah, go on and brag" he said smiling and left the class.

Matthew turned to go to Ji Woong's desk but he stopped when he heard a ding. He saw a phone on Zhanghao's desk. He didn't mean to pry but he looked and saw that it was text.

"Oh yeah I totally know Seok Matthew..He was in my school, I know why he left..."

Matthew's eyes widened when he saw the message. He quickly looked away and ran out of the class.

"This can't be happening" he muttered under his breath.


Gyuvin smiled once he saw Yujin. "Yujin-ah" he said and hugged him. After Yujin left the hospital, his family were worried about him till they got a call from Yujin's mother.

Yujin groaned when he saw Gyuvin. He knew Gyuvin was going to attack him with his hands and he was right. Once Gyuvin got to him, he started squeezing his cheeks.

"You left your class late, come on, let's go and eat" Gyuvin said softly holding Yujin's hand. They were there with Hanbin, Ricky and Gunwook. The rest also seemed to be late.

Gyuvin pushed out a tray in front of Yujin.
"I begged the lunch lady to prepare your tray with love so you can eat and grow very well" Gyuvin said rubbing Yujin's hair.

Ricky made a disgusted face as he heard what Gyuvin said while Gunwook and Hanbin smiled at them.

Gyuvin picked up the spoon and started feeding Yujin even though Yujin said not to. He kept feeding Yujin that he forgot to eat.

"Aigoo, You eat so well Yujin-ah. I can see you'll grow up biggg and be strong like Superman" Gyuvin said in his baby voice as he wiped Yujin's mouth.

Yujin was drenched in embarrassment as he knew Gyuvin wouldn't stop anytime soon.

Hanbin just shook his head smiling as he saw Yujin's embarrassed face. "Gyuvin, you should eat up too. We don't have all day" Hanbin said and Gyuvin nodded.

Ji Woong walked towards them holding a big pink bag. He placed the bag in front of Gunwook and Ricky. They looked inside the bag and saw Flowers, perfumes, Candies, Chocolates, letters

"Woah Hyung, this is a major jackpot!" Gunwook exclaimed as he laughed. Ricky quickly started dividing the gifts for both of them.

"I saw it in front of my locker" Ji Woong said taking a tray Hanbin was handing to him. He started eating with one person in his mind, Matthew.

He saw how Matthew got uneasy after seeing something in Zhanghao's phone. He couldn't help but get curious about that and Matthew's whereabouts.


Matthew quickly started packing his books to go home once the bell rang. Tae Rae looked at him confused. "Why the rush Matthew?" He softly asked.

Matthew zipped his bag and carried it.
"I've got important errands to run. I'll see you tomorrow" he said pecking Tae Rae's cheek.
Tae Rae grimaced and wiped his cheek in disgust as he watched Matthew run out.

Matthew quickly closed the door to his room and plopped unto his bed. He took out his phone, not knowing what to do. He changed schools to get away from his hurtful past. And now it's coming back all over again.

"That means Hao hyung knows about what happened. I hope he doesn't tell anyone" Matthew muttered.

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