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Tae Rae opened his eyes and saw himself in the school clinic. He looked around and saw Matthew and Gunwook at the side of the room.

"Matthew" he groaned out as he tried to sit up. Matthew rushed to where he was and helped him get up slowly.

"Are you okay? Does it still hurt? Who did this to you?" Matthew quickly asked as he held Tae Rae's hands. Tae Rae groaned and looked at the wall clock.

"We have Mathematics class now, let's go" Tae Rae said trying to get out of the bed. Gunwook quickly held him down

"Uh senior? You're not in the right shape to go back to class. If you want, I can get the nurse to call your parents–

"No no, I'm fine. Let's go Matthew" Tae Rae said standing up, his belly hurt like he walked on shards of glass. He quietly hissed in pain as he tried taking a step.

"Senior I can't let you leave. You have broken ribs all because of that twat" Gunwook said through his teeth. He put his hand round Tae Rae's waist and put Tae Rae's arm over his shoulder.

The door opened and they saw Ricky. Ricky quickly walked in once he saw Tae Rae awake.

"You're awake?!" He shouted and yanked Gunwook's hands off Tae Rae as he quickly held him.

Ricky saw Tae Rae's face of grimace and quickly cleared his throat. "Hm, I mean, you have finally woken up. Do you think you're sleeping beauty?"

Tae Rae scoffed "Get your hands off him you dummy" Tae Rae said glaring at him.
"Ha. Like I even want to" Ricky said and Gunwook moved closer "You can leave Hyung, I'll hold him"

Ricky glared at Gunwook but Gunwook still stood there. "You said you don't want to, so let me take care of him" Gunwook said

"That doesn't mean I won't" Ricky said and pulled Tae Rae closer. "Stop changing your words Hyung"Gunwook said and pulled Tae Rae to his side.

"They are my words, I change them how I like. I'll stay with him"

"No you won't"

"Why can't I?"

"Because I'm the one that helped him when he was in danger. I wasn't the one flirting with girls" Gunwook said smiling. Ricky's face fell as what Gunwook said stuck to him. He subconsciously let go of Tae Rae.

"Let's go Hyung, easy easy" Gunwook said and held Tae Rae. Matthew grabbed Tae Rae's other arm and helped him walk out of the clinic.


Yujin looked at Gyuvin and groaned.

"Yujin-ah. Your prince has come" His classmate said wiggling his brows. Yujin used his textbook to cover his face as he groaned.

He slowly moved the textbook down and still saw Gyuvin there. He saw how his classmates would wave at him blushing. He rolled his eyes, wondering what they saw in that goof ball.

He packed his books and reluctantly grabbed his bag. After waving at his remaining classmates, he walked out of the class.

"Yujin-ah. How was classes? Was it too stressful?" Gyuvin asked taking Yujin's bag from his hand.

"Mm not that stressful" Yujin muttered and Gyuvin nodded as he rubbed his hair gently.

"Yujin-ah. I got you some candy. Want some?" Gyuvin asked softly pinching Yujin's cheeks. Yujin clicked his tongue and removed Gyuvin's hand.

Yujin nodded and Gyuvin quickly unwrapped the candy and fed Yujin. "Ahh you look so cute. Hold on. Let me take a picture of you" Gyuvin said taking out his phone.

"Ow come on~" Yujin whined trying to run from Gyuvin but Gyuvin held his waist pulling him closer.
"If you try to run, I'll tickle you. You know how bad that can get" Gyuvin threatened him.

Yujin sighed and huffed as he stood. "Aigoo you look so cute sulking. Yujin-ah, you're a cutie pie. I want to bite your cheeks now, yum yum" Gyuvin kept on fantasizing over Yujin while Yujin glared at him.

Gyuvin felt a slap on his neck, he turned and saw Ricky smirking at him.

"Yah! Can't you see I'm busy?!" He shouted at Ricky holding Yujin's hand.

"Sorry, I forgot" Ricky replied back with a smug smile and a shrug. Gyuvin glared at him and continued taking pictures of Yujin.

Ricky stood and watched how Gyuvin was smiling like a maniac as he snapped the pictures. He sighed and uncrossed his hands as he put them into his pockets.

"I can't even protect the one I care about" He mumbled and looked away from Gyuvin and Yujin.

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