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school was to be let out for christmas break in two days. despite the cold, all the students were in the courtyard area, playing with the snow and enjoying the time they had with their friends before it was time to go.

"i can't believe it's already christmas?" said elizabeth in a dreamy voice.

"well there is still a week left, betty." michelle informed her.

'betty' had been michelle's nickname for her best friend ever since second year. no one else was allowed to use it, most everyone else called her 'lizzy'.

"the week will pass by in no time. oh i'm so excited!"

michelle giggled at her friend.

"fourth year has been so wonderful." lizzy continued. "i'm doing well in my classes, i've made so many new friends-"

"ehem." michelle cleared her throat.

lizzy gave michelle a look before tackling her with a hug into the snow. "none as good as my best friend ellie."

"oh i'm so getting you for that!" roared michelle, who gathered a heap of snow in her arms and threw it over lizzy's head.

lizzy gasped in shock. "you. did. not."

"yes. i. did."

the two girls commenced a snowball fight, laughing the whole way before someone yelled across the courtyard,


she turned to find the voice.

"lizzy! over here!"

fred weasley was beckoning her over to the center of the courtyard. lizzy shot michelle a confused look. she and fred had recently become friends, but so far none of their interactions had happened outside the classroom.

"go on! get your man!" michelle whisper shouted.

lizzy rolled her eyes and made her way over. it's true, since of the beginning of the year she realized she fancied fred weasley. she never planned on confessing, but that didn't stop hopeful butterflies from stirring in her stomach,

she finally made it over to where they were, "what's up?"

"georgie would like to talk to you." fred said, a mischievous smile on his face. 

"oh, alright." while lizzy tried not to look to disappointed, she missed the flash of guilt that appeared on george's face.

"so i just wanted to know.." he paused looking behind her.

confused, she tried to turn around but george put his hands on her shoulders and stopped her.

"what are you doing for christmas break?"

"oh!" she smiled and began to tell george all about how excited she is to visit her family.

after a couple minutes of friendly conversation, she heard a loud voice yell from behind her.


at that exact moment two things happened.

the first, george quickly scrambled back.

the next second lizzy was completely covered head to toe in violent neon green slime.

as she wiped slime off her face she was met with the laughing faces of all her classmates, the people she has grown up with and lived with for the past four years of her life, watching in glee as she stood there utterly defeated.

michelle ran over and began yelling at fred and george, but lizzy couldn't hear a thing.

how foolish it was to believe that she was truly friends with fred and george, that there could've been any kind of hope that things would be more between them. 

she finally turned and faced the culprits who weren't even looking at her anymore, all they were doing was laughing and laughing and laughing.

michelle had given up trying to talk to them, and started pulling lizzy away from everyone and everyone. she finally found an old bathroom that no one uses and ran inside, dragging lizzy with her.

"michelle." lizzy mumbled.

"yes, love?" michelle answered, wiping slime off her best friends face.

"i'm so... humiliated." lizzy whispered in defeat. "why would t-they," she hiccuped, tears start to fall down her face, "why would they do that?

"i don't know." michelle said. "honest to god i don't know. i wish i could find some kind of excuse, but one doesn't exist."

lizzy didn't respond, just stood there and let michelle comb her fingers through her thick, ruined hair and listened in shame as the slime dripped onto the ground.

"i'm going to go and get stuff to help clean you up. don't go anywhere, i'll be right back."

she waited for a moment to hear some sort of acknowledgement, but after getting none, she silently slipped out of the door.

after she was gone lizzy walked over to the nearest wall and slid down until she was seated. then the girl cried.


the rest of the year was no where near as enjoyable as the first part. pre prank.

the rest of the students taunted and teased her, all of her new friends were lost as quick as they were gained.

she didn't talk to fred anymore, not that he tried to reconcile for his actions. he simply acted like she wasn't there, not acknowledging her in their class, in the halls, just not at all.

by fifth year everything had gone back to normal, but lizzy. she refused to be as trusting and naive as before. she wasn't angry, but she wasn't forgiving either.

and so life goes on.


ok this is a social media fic and it will be from next chapter onwards (with some exceptions) but i feel like this couldn't be written anyway else.


𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬; 𝖿𝗋𝖾𝖽 𝗐𝖾𝖺𝗌𝗅𝖾𝗒Where stories live. Discover now