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Michael stared at the restaurant in front of him with an indecipherable look as he pulled his mask up to cover half his face, then pulled down the brim of his hat so it barely covered his eyes. The restaurant, which had been redecorated, had become a horror attraction. They named it Freddy Fazbear Frights.

He glanced around, no one was hanging around considering it was almost midnight today. He pulled the hood of his jacket over his hat before circling the restaurant, smearing the ground with oil.

He returned to the front of the restaurant's entrance, placing the now empty jerry can next to another; still fully charged. He took the jerry can that was still not empty and started to walk into the restaurant. The corridor looked sinister, he pressed a remote button in his other hand and a child's voice could be heard from far away. He ignored any other abnormal things that were visible to his eye, the interference of the phantoms, they couldn't hurt him, at least not physically. Oil trails followed where he walked, sometimes he would smear the mossy walls.

He headed to his office after he was done staining every place. a place to keep an eye on things through surveillance cameras. It was easy to avoid 'them' if you knew 'them' well enough. He had just greased up the office that had accompanied him the past five nights here when a beep sounded, making him immediately open the operating system to reboot the three main things that had suddenly crashed.

Michael exhaled slowly, he quickly glanced behind him once he felt the presence of something—no one was there. Odd, he was so sure it felt like someone was standing behind him.

The eldest Afton opened the surveillance camera for a moment, he sealed the vent connected to his office and opened another camera, choosing the farthest spot from the room he was currently in before turning on the audio of the children's voices. He glanced back again; still no one, but he got goosebumps. Deciding to ignore the feeling, he continued to smear the entire office with oil. As soon as he finished, the beep sound sounded again, he started to get annoyed. His last nights here, the operating system was so cranky, as if something was interfering with the signals and systems.

He reset the operating system again, then turned around; shock overtook him to find a rusty animatronic standing right in front of his office, clearly visible through the glass that separated them. Then he felt sick when a pair of white LED eyes stared at him.

Oh, Father ..., Michael didn't take his eyes off the animatronic at all, just in case he might come over to him.

However, he had to leave soon, his job was done.

Slowly, he stepped aside, towards the door as their gazes still locked. He couldn't do anything to the man other than having to leave him, the figure of Springtrap moving slowly as he tried to leave the room, the figure of Springtrap also stopping when he stopped moving.

Well, he was stuck in a troublesome situation now.

He took a gulp, feeling at a loss for what to do. The pair of eyes were still staring at him intently, he doubted his father would recognize him, not with his current condition like this.

He pressed a button on the remote he was holding, a remote he had made for another intermediary so he could turn on the children's audio without opening the surveillance camera. However, that didn't seem to work. The animatronic didn't budge at all, perhaps finally realizing it was a trick. Michael snorted slightly, still trying to think of what to do; there wasn't any. He could think of nothing but old bitter memories regarding their family.

Then he had to take a risk, if he was caught then his history was over.

Michael remained silent for a few more moments, he hadn't moved at all in the last few minutes. Then he bolted straight out of the office, running toward the exit. He could hear the sound of metal footsteps behind him, chasing after him. He couldn't help but feel terrified, he dropped a few things to slow down his father and took a slight detour.

The exit had appeared in the distance, a sense of relief washed over him—only for a moment, his eyes widened at how objects around suddenly floated up and blocked the exit. Michael stopped running and somewhat out of breath, he looked in all directions for a way out. However, at every possible opportunity, the surrounding objects immediately moved and blocked all of his path. The sound of metal footsteps was now getting closer and closer, Michael seemed horrified now that he was face to face with the animatronic.

Then he could see a reflection on the arcade screen behind his father; he had never seen it before. Another rabbit mascot with purple eyes.

Michael took a deep breath and tried to calm down, he had a slightly—challenging idea. There was nothing else he could think about at the moment, other than throwing the remote control in his hand aside without warning, and as soon as his father's attention was distracted, he picked up the heavy property log and shot forward, he jumped and swung the log with all his might towards his father's direction, sending them both tumbling backwards. Michael quickly got to his feet and ran quickly, ignoring how other items moved again to stop him.

He made a sharp turn into the corridor to the right and continued to sprint, before he turned left and jumped into a window. The glass shattered after he slammed his body against it to get out and rolled onto the ground. Michael didn't wait any second to took the opportunity to light a match and throw it into the grease he had spread all over the restaurant.

Flames appeared in a second and devoured the place as the sound of fireworks was heard, he panted looking at the fire waving in front of him, burning the place to the ground as he finally spoke in bitter.

"Well, happy new year, Father ...."

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