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Dylan and I are now on our way to the newly opened club near our friend's house, Falco. He was the one who told us about the place and paid for our VIP room. That idiot wanted to unwind for the weekend after a long week of dealing with demanding customers, according to him.

As we entered the club, we immediately got excited because of the fun atmosphere that surrounds it. There were alphas, betas, and omegas in every corner of the place as expected. The mixed smell of pheromones is kind of making me dizzy.

As we looked around, a familiar silhouette came up to us and pulled Dylan into a hug. "Finally! My bestest bros are here! Took you a while, huh?" Falco says as he reached his hand for a high five which I laughingly returned.

"You dumbass. Have you forgotten that I have a part time job to tend to? Also, this idiot right here moves like a turtle. Don't blame me." I responded as I turned to Dylan who rolled his eyes at me.

"Alright, alright." He chuckled. "Are you guys ready to have fun? I reserved a whole VIP lounge just for us, man! Let's get laaaaaid tonight!" Falco exclaims, his voice almost as loud as the blasting music.

Dylan jumps in excitement as Falco pulled both of us and made our way to the room he was talking about. Damn, I can't help but be in awe at this place. This club is huge!

"Hey, Daddy Fal. Did you also reserve omegas for us?" Dylan whispers to our youngest friend whose eyes are now shining in excitement.

Falco puts his arms around Dylan's shoulder. "Well, what do you think, baby?" He asked back and the other idiot nodded like a mad dog. "Then, you're correct! Tonight is your lucky day, my bros. Akiro told me he has the best omegas in town!" And Dylan went wild.

"You truly are the best, Daddy Fal! I'm gonna kiss you on the lips!" Dylan responds as he fakely smooches our friend's face who stopped him in disgust. I just laughed at their silliness.

As we arrived at the assigned lounge, Dylan and I were stunned.

"Holy fuck, dude! This is a huge ass lounge! Are you sure we aren't at a hotel?" I asked, earning a laugh from Falco. "What the hell? They also keep the most expensive alcoholic drinks in here! This is unbelievable!" We roamed around the room, still in awe. The lounge that Falco picked has a small balcony wherein you can see the happenings from the dance floor. This is really awesome.

Falco smiles. "Well, what did I tell you, my dudes? I told you this'll be the best club you'll ever visit! And, look, look!" He pressed a black button on the marble countertop.

I almost jumped in surprise when a lady staff entered the room. "Good evening, gentlemen. What can I do for you tonight?"

Dylan and I exchanged shocked looks. "What the fuck? That was so cool! This is some high end shit, Falco! I'm truly blessed to have a rich best friend! Can I be your sugar baby, Daddy Fal? Mumu~" This idiot jokingly says, making me and the lady staff laugh. Falco just gave Dylan an unamused look as he tried to avoid his kissy face with his hand.

"Sorry for that, Miss." Falco wipes his hand with Dylan's saliva with his handkerchief. "Anyway, we would like to bring in the extra service, please." He requested and we all instantly knew what he meant.

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