mobile call

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Taehyung pov:
I'm here at meeting room,, producers, director, CEO of bighit, and me all we seat in meeting room,, discussed about my project. They all talk but im just looked at them,, pretend like I hear tham carefully but not.. My all concentrate in on clock,, ( just pretend for this story) it's
7'oclock and in U. S its already 12 am
I want to wish Jennie. Not only wish but I want to wish her first. But here I'm stuck with  this people,, I have to do something
Before anyone wish her first or she going to sleep, what should I do,, after some minutes, taehyung smile like a he achieve something.

Ohhhh,, ahhhh,, what happened to me
Ahhh, hold his stomach

Every one now stare at him,, and stand up,, and go near to him

One person: what happened V, ,
Sec. Person: are you ok??

Taehyung: ahhh ohhh my stomach
Plz help,, it's hurts,, what  I do now

Third person: ohhh no,, help him,,
Let's go,, we take him hospital

Other one : ok I'll call the ambulance

Taehyung: Nooo  (stand up quickly )

Every one: shocking saw him

Taehyung : realizing that what he do ...
Again hold his stomach. I mean No I don't want to go hospital, I just want some rest
( I hope they don't caught me)

Other one: k k no problem,, rest well,we continue next time,,

Other one:I'll drop u

Taehyung: no I'll go my self,, thank u
Ahhh,, slowly take step leav to cabin
(See the back  no one come after him)
Happily ,, yes yes and run

Go to parking and call the Jennie
Not pic up the fon??
Again cll her
Not pic up the fon
Why is she not picking up
Is she already sleeping??
Is she sick??
What happened to her,,
I hope she's well
What if she's out?? With,,, guy
No no no taehyung don't think like that
She must be busy
Hmmmm yes she's is must be busy
Wait .....At this time,,
busy for what??
Busy with whom??
What if she busy with guy
What are they busy for,,,,to do s***
( imagine that Jennie with other guy and make out with each other)
Ohhhh God no no
It can't happened got panic
Again call her,,
In frustrations walk to here and there..
Pick up pick up Jennie

Meanwhile at US
In hote room*

Jungkook sleep on Jennie's bed,, in deep sleep snoring in sleep..

Jennie sleep in couch,, but she don't know that her mobile is in room,,on side table near to bed ,, she is waiting for taehyung's call but it's already 12.30 so she thinks that tae may be forgot or may be tied maybe that why he don't call her . So she decided to sleep dcz she very much  tied  from hectic seceduele. And after some minutes shi is in her dreem already.

Jungkook pov;

I'm  so much tied bcz of my flight,,,I sleep on Jennie's bed,, I sleeping peacefully AA in bed.. But some sounds disturbing my sleep.. But I didn't give any response,aNd sleep again, after some time again the stupid sounds come back,, and break my sleep.
Ohhhh,, what is this sounds,, I checked side by side but I find nothing but then I see the side table,, a lights come from there and yes sounds tOO , I quickly wake up nd go there,, and what I saw A mobile
I think,, my mobile is on my bed so who's mobi. ( I cute myself bcz I know now who's mobile is this) I take the mobile and see, still vibrating,, who's is ruin my sleep,, without thinking I'm accept the call and say " hello "

Taehyung pov:

I still call her,, ringing,,,, and than Jennie
Accept the call, before I can say anything
, she speak

" Hello " 

(In his  mind
One second it's not Jennie's voice
It's guy,, fuck))

I'm sweating now.. Panic...

Who the funking are you,, where is Jennie

((Jungkook  still in sleepy zone,, he didn't saw display so he don't k know who's the other side))

Kook: I'm his friend and now u tell me who the hell are u,,, and  why do disturbed my sleep

Tae; I'm her boyfriend,, where is she
Why do you have her mobile,,gi
( before tae finish )

Kook : hyung??

Tae:  jungkook?!!

Kook: sorry hyung I don't know it's your cll,,,  ( cut him)

Tae: what are u doing there,
Where is Jennie
Why her mobile is with u
Give her mobile

Kook: relax hyung,,
She is sleeping already
If you say I  wake her up??

Tae: what do u mean by sleeping
One minute.. Are you both together  in room???

Kook: yes

Tae : grid his teeth,,

Kook; actually hyung I'm coming here... To wish her,, and after that I'm sleeping here ,, I m so tied bcz of the flight so decided that I sleep here,, Jennie is sleeping outside on couch bcz im sleeping here on her bed.

Tae: after listen kook side,, I'm being  normal now... But I don't like this that kook is with Jennie. In her room
Kook: hyung,  , ,  hyung,,,,
Are you there?? Do I wake her up

Tae : hmmm I sorry what are you say

Kook: I said that do I wake her up

Tae : no need,, she must be tied.. I ll call her in morning,,

Kook: k then see u in Korea

Tae : hmmm and cut the call.

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