The Empire

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"My Lord, we have taken out the Jedi, Kira Damaris." Jax reported directly to Palpatine.

Palpatine's eyes glinted with satisfaction as he heard Jax's report. "Excellent, Commander Jax," he replied in his smooth, sinister tone. "You have served the Empire well. The eradication of the Jedi is crucial for the stability and security of our new order."

Jax nodded, his helmet concealing any hint of emotion. Deep down, he knew that what he had done was a betrayal of everything he had once believed in. But the inhibitor chip held firm, its influence too powerful to resist.

"I trust you will continue to serve the Empire with unwavering loyalty," Palpatine continued, his eyes seeming to penetrate through Jax's helmet and into his very soul.

"Yes, my Lord," Jax replied with a crisp salute. "The 45th Elite Legion is at your disposal."

Palpatine's smile widened. "Good. The galaxy is on the brink of a new era, and I am counting on loyal servants like you to ensure its success."

"Now, you can keep your markings. However, it cannot stay green. it must change to gray or black." Palpatine ordered.

Jax nodded in response to Palpatine's directive. "Understood, my Lord. The 45th Elite Legion's markings will be changed accordingly."

As he left the meeting with Palpatine, Jax couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The change in the Legion's colors felt like a symbolic representation of their transformation under the Empire's rule. The once vibrant green, a symbol of hope and unity, was now to be replaced with the somber tones of gray or black, a reflection of the darkness that had engulfed the galaxy.

In the days that followed, the markings of the 45th Elite Legion were altered to comply with Palpatine's orders. The green was replaced with a solemn shade of gray, a constant reminder of the Legion's new allegiance to the Empire.

As Jax led his troopers on various missions, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was living a lie. Deep down, he knew that he was fighting for the wrong side, that the Empire's rule was built on deception and oppression. But the inhibitor chip's influence held him captive, suppressing his true self.

In the midst of the darkness, a small glimmer of hope remained—the memory of the man he had once been, the camaraderie he had shared with his fellow troopers, and the love he had for Kira. Though buried beneath the surface, these memories kept him anchored, reminding him of the person he had once been.

As the galaxy fell further into the grip of the Empire, Jax knew that the fight for justice and freedom was far from over. He hoped that one day, the inhibitor chip's hold on him would be broken, and he could reclaim his true identity. Until then, he continued to carry out his duties as the commander of the 45th Elite Legion, haunted by the choices he had been forced to make.

Jax." a familiar voice spoke, an officer in orange markings turned to him. Commander Cody.

Jax turned to see Commander Cody, a fellow clone commander whom he had fought alongside during the Clone Wars. Despite the changed markings, the bond between the clone commanders remained strong, forged through countless battles and shared experiences.

"Cody," Jax replied with a nod, keeping his emotions hidden behind his helmet. "It's been a while."

"It has," Cody acknowledged, his expression serious. "I've heard rumors about what happened to the Jedi. Is it true?"

Jax hesitated for a moment, knowing the delicate nature of the subject. "Yes," he finally answered, choosing his words carefully. "The Jedi have been declared enemies of the Republic. It was our duty to execute Order 66.

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