Chapter 11

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Natsu's POV:

After an awkward moment Gray, Erza, Lucy, Wendy, and I leave the hotel, heading towards the wooded path where the bandits were after are apparently lurking.

"These bandits have a tendency to kidnap others. We best be on our guard" Erza states as we near the general location of the said bandits given location.

After around 10 minutes of walking there was still no sight of them.

"This is so boringgg. Can't these stupid shit eating bandits come out already?" I groan.

"Quiet. We don't want to give ourselves away" Erza hisses at me. I frown in reply. Gray allows the girls to trail a bit ahead before walking over to me. He places a hand on my shoulder before moving into a fighting stance.

I grin also maneuvering my body into a fighting stance. Just as Gray and I were to begin fighting, two separate light red glowing bubbles form around us.

"The hell?'"Gray asks to no one in particular.

"Hey! What is this?" I shout which catches the girls attention. The quickly realize what's going on and sprint over to Gray and I.

Erza seems to notice someone casting a spell as she throws her sword into the forest. I heard it hit a tree and the shriek of a man. Just a few seconds later, a group of about 10 men come out. The men all snicker looking at their "prey".

"What the hell is this stupid bubble?!" I yell at them punching the bubble with my fire, attempting to get it to break with no luck.

"It's an enchantment. An indestructible force field, normally used to capture our targets" one of the many men speak. "You five so happen to be our knew interests".

"You haven't fought Fairy Tail before so be prepared!" Wendy shouts "Sky Dragon: Roar!"

"Star Dress: Taurus Form!"

"Requip: Heavens Wheel!"

With one swift movement Wendy, Lucy, and Erza take out all of the bandits unsurprisingly. Only problem was...

"What do we do about this enchantment?" Lucy asks.

Erza scans the group of now unconscious bandits before stomping over to one of them—the enchanter. She roughly grabs the poor man shaking him violently. "Undo the force fields at this instant!"

"Y-yes mama!" The man currently petrified manages to get out. Erza stops shaking the man but holds her sword near him instead.

The enchanter makes quick work removing the bubbles surrounding Gray and I.

"We're free!" I happily yell throwing my fists in the air. Erza allows her sword to go back to her long inventory of swords before beginning to walk away, in the direction of the ones who sent out this job request.

I look behind me to speak to Gray just to realize he's not there.

"Gray?" I ask. No response. I stand frozen for a few seconds before frantically looking around.

"Gray!" I call out and am greeted with silence once again. I look back to Erza and Lucy only to realize that they were far up the path, out of sight. I was alone.

I notice a piece of paper laying on the ground a few feet away from me. I quickly picked it up and did my best to read it.

We couldn't just let you tarnish our reputation and beat us up without some payback so we took icey boy. Hope you don't mind. I wouldn't come looking for him unless you want to die.

"Dammit!" I yell punching the ground. 'If only I payed a more attention rather than celebrating. I should have been able to hear them. No time to think about that. I need to find Gray'.

Im quick to pick up a faint scent of Gray and chase after it, allowing the paper to drift to the ground.

Lucy's POV:

"Thank you for getting rid of those bandits but did something happen to the boys you had with you?" The man who sent out the job request intrigued. His name was Eraqus.

"Nothing they're right ther-" I look behind Erza, Wendy, and I expecting the Gray and Natsu to be there but the space was empty.

"Maybe they're off fighting in the woods" I mention.

"Doubtful. We would have heard them" Erza replies.

"Do you think their okay?" Wendy questions.

"Here's your reward. Now go look for your friends" Eraqus smiles pushing the reward on the table separating us in our direction. The reward consisted of 40,000 jewels.

We say our goodbyes and rush out into the woods. We started by going back to where we fought the bandits.

"No sign of them" I let out a deep breath. Neither Gray or Natsu were here, but there was a piece of paper on the ground. I tilt my head a bit confused before picking the paper up and reading it out load for Erza, Wendy, and I too hear.

"Natsu probably went to find him. He has a better chance to find him than the both of us" Erza says.

Just then we heard a loud shout in the distance most likely being Natsu.

"Let's go" Erza says. I nod and we begin running in the direction of the sound.

Natsu's POV:

"Gray!! Where the hell are you?!" I shout. I turn and punch a tree. "Fuck!".


"Huh" I look over to see Erza, Lucy, and Wendy approaching me.

"Natsu! Do you have any idea where Gray is?" Lucy asks leaning against a tree to catch her breath.

I shake my head. "I picked up his smell earlier but it's keeps getting fainter".

"Then we don't have time to sit around. We need to hurry and find him" Erza says. I nod and run off in the direction of Grays smell, Erza, Wendy, and Lucy following close behind.

"His smell is fading!" I yell.

"Hurry up and go on ahead. Lucy, Wendy, and I will catch up" Erza orders.

"Alright" I reply "Fire Dragon: Iron fist boosters!"

'Hold on Gray. We're coming'

Gray x Natsu ~ Getting Over ThemWhere stories live. Discover now