Chapter 10

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Natsu's POV:

A groan rips itself from my throat when I loud knock—most likely Erza—is heard from the door to the hotel room Gray and I are staying in. Not wanting to keep the all mighty Titania waiting I attempt to get out of bed to no avail. An arm forces me down onto the bed. I glance over to see Gray laying on his stomach, sprawled out with his arm on my chest, sound asleep. He looked really cute in the morning. I gently run a hand through his raven locks, admiring him.

I shake my head to keep myself from getting lost in Grays handsome features any longer, afraid of what would happen if I didn't answer the door in the next few seconds for Erza. I carefully move Gray's arm off of my chest and onto the bed. I swiftly move off the bed and race towards the door, practically slamming it open. Revealing the one and only to be expected Erza.

"Hey Erza" I greet, my voice scratchy from just waking up. I cough in attempt to nullify it.

"Is Gray awake?" Erza asks. I shake my head. Erza pushes past me into the room—closing the door behind her of course—and briefly looks over towards a sleeping Gray before making her way over to the balcony. I stare in confusion before she waves a hand, telling me to accompany her on the balcony.

Despite my confusion still present I follow the same path as Erza towards the balcony door. Once I'm on the balcony she closes the door behind me and leans her forearms on the railing looking out. Still confused, I walk over to the railing and lean my back against it, elbows resting on the railing.

"So what happened last night?" Erza finally speaks. I stand confused for a few moments before last night registers in my head. I turn my head to get a better view of Erza's face.

"What do you want to know?" I ask, turning so I'm also leaning against the railing with my forearms.

"Anything special happen?" Erza vaguely asks, most likely attempting not to give away the fact that Gray confessed incase he didn't. I turn my view towards the sight from the balcony. It wasn't incredible but still nice. You could see a lot of the town and in the distance the sea. The same sea where I saved Lucy from that creepy salamander imposter guy all those years ago. The sun was still rising so the orange and pink sky casted a hue of the same color onto the land.

"Well Gray said he liked me" I speak quickly, the memory replaying in my head. Erza let's out a small squeak which catches me off guard, turning my attention towards her, rather than the town.

"Really?! What did you say?" Erza exclaims. Ive never seen her this worked up over something other than cake or acting before. It was scary, not that she wasn't always scary in general.

"I said I liked him too... and now we're dating" I mumble the last bit but it doesn't fail to react Erza's ears.

"I'm so happy for you too!" Erza congratulations, beaming. "I honestly didn't think Gray would do it. It took some work to convince him that you liked him back but surprisingly wasn't too hard. I told him to confess to you last night, I thought he would chicken out for sure"

I let out a laugh. "I was planning on telling him last night so it would have worked out anyway".

"You too have got to be my favorite couple" Erza comments.

"Oh come on! We haven't even been dating for a day" I exclaim. Erza let's out a small laugh and smiles out at the sunrise. These small moments are what I love most about Erza. Despite her fierce and determined nature seeing her calm and more relaxed self is truly a gift that only few are able to bear witness to.

"Do you like Lucy?" I question out of nowhere. Erza's face turns into a briefly shocked expression at the sudden question before settling down into a face expressing sorrow.

Gray x Natsu ~ Getting Over ThemWhere stories live. Discover now