Pregnant crazy chick vs monsterinlaw

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There was a knock at the door.

I turned to look at Jeremy who turns at the same time to look at me.
"Are you expecting someone?"

He shakes his head and leaves the room to answer the door. It takes me a moment to pull myself up off the bed before waddling after him with the baseball bat in my hand behind my back. It might be some killer or something. Don't judge me I've seen it in movies.

As I round the corner to the living room he mutters the worst words in the world.


Oh hell no.

Fudge I'm not ready to deal with her.

I spin on my heel to match back to the room but why the hell am I running? This is my house. She's on my turf. I turn back to face the living room area.

"Are you going to stop gaping at Mr like you've seen a damn ghost and let me in?" She snaps at him before pushing past him and stalks inside the apartment with a determined face.

When Jay turns around his face looks conflicted.

When shes almost at the sofa she finally notices that she's not alone in the room.

"You" she spits her stiff face twisting into something ugly. A shiver runs down my spine at the expression and the urge to throw up is almost severe. I pinch the bridge of my nose and look up to the ceiling trying to level out my breathing. Soon enough the nausea goes away and the bitch is on the move.

"Why is she here Jeremy?" She turns her back to me. And its all I can do not to hit her with the bat all it would take is one swing. By the widening of Jays eyes I knew that I had that wicked expression of mischief on my face.

"Jamie, lives here mother," he states uneasily. I felt bad for him. He had to live with that horrid woman for most of his life and she treats him like shit but she's his mother so he's obligated to love her.

He refuses to tell me what she said to him when she found out that I was pregnant but the angry-sad expression that tainted his always smiling face every time it came up was enough to make me hate her.

He stood there looking so torn. Having to choose between his pregnant girl and his mother. I could only imagine his pain.

I sighed as my vendetta was put on hold.

"Can you at least try to be nice to her?" He asks her quietly.

"Very well." She turns to the sofa and after a skeptical glance she perched - yes the self righteous botox faced bitch perched- on the edge of the chair, patting a spot next to her lightly she faced me and ordered me to, "sit".

I glanced at the hopeful look on my baby's daddy's face and I knew I couldn't deny her. Reluctantly I waddled over to the paint splattered sofa and eased onto the seat a bit away from her happy to be off my feet but still wary of her sudden polite bossiness.

"Assuming that you know what an ultrasound is, Have you had one yet? And Do you have any pictures that I could possibly view?"

"Yes, just give me a moment and I'll get it," I was eager to get away from her. Something about her just rubbed me the wrong way. But before I could move the idiot of a boyfriend with his delusion that me and his mother might somehow bond squashed my escape plan.

"Don't worry love, I'll go get it." He smiles and rushes to the room

"Are you giving it up?" She pounces as soon as he is out of earshot.

I swing my eyes to the she devil.

"What?" I ask dumbly not wanting to believe my ears.

"You heard me," she replies folding her arms.

" Of course not, we are keeping her," I answer sharply wrapping my arms around my stomach. Her stiff face takes on a dark look as she leans towards me.

"Listen here you little bitch. Gold digging whores like you have been pawing after my son since he hit puberty and I'm not going to let you come with your immature slutty self and ruin my sons life. Trying to pawn off this child you probably concieved with some dud as my son's," she sniffed, her gaze hardening.

"You delusional old bitch!" I wanted to smack her. I was so mad I couldn't form words.

"If you know what's good for you, you'll do the right thing and get rid of it. And break off whatever your trying to have with my son before he begins to think himself in love with you, with time he'll get over his little infatuation with you. But I will not Stand by and let sluts like you try to distract him from his success." She was in my face at this point. "And be warned little girl if you don't get rid of it I will." She hissed at me.

"Get out," I say coldly pushing myself up off the chair.

She glares at me.

"This is my son's apartment you get out!" She argues, a vein in her forehead throbs and her face gets flushed.

"Hey baby? I-"

"Get out!" I growl at her pointing to the door.

"Hey, what's going on?" I continue pointing for her to leave.

"Jamie love" he calls his voice cautious.

"She...this woman...." I could feel a headache coming on as I fought to breathe.

"We just had a little misunderstanding nothing to worry about," she says off handishly brushing off the fact that she just disrespected me as if it didn't matter.

"She threatened my baby!" I scream spinning around to face him.

"Jeremy love, I know you love your mother but so help me God if she doesn't leave right now I won't be responsible for my actions," I growl.

Jeremy walked towards his mother to usher her out of the apartment. But she wouldn't budge.

"You have no right to kick me out! I refuse to leave!" She growls, folding her arms.

"I said to get the fuck out!" I stalk towards her wielding the bat that was left leaning against the wall earlier.

She shrieks and jumps out of the way as I swing at her.

"You crazy bitch!" I swing again clipping her knuckles with the heavy wood.

"Jamie stop it!" Jeremy yells at me rushing forward and grabbing the bat as I'm about to make a swing at her unsuspecting head.

"Victoria get out and don't come back or call unless you are going to apologize for your action," he stated calmly pushing her out of the apartment.

"But... I ... She" she splutters, at a loss for words as he gently pushes her out into the hallway and closes the door. Before pressing his forehead against the wood.

"I'm sorry," I apologize walking towards him tearing up as I pressed my face into his back suddenly exhausted.

"No baby, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left you with her. I just hoped..." He sighed. Shaking his head and turning around he scooped me up in his arms.

"Its okay love, I understand." And I did. He just wanted me to get along with his mother. She was all he had.

He took me to the bedroom and stripped me down before placing me in the bed.

"I love you," I say caressing his face when he settles in beside me, "we both do." I say when I feel a kick in my stomach.

"I love you too" he kisses my protruding stomach and then kisses me before pulling me closer to him and we fell asleep.

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