Just some crap

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Keep in mind that i'm human too,

I laugh, 

 i cry,

and i feel pain like you.

I may be pretend i don't care but honestly,

 i do.

I can be; selfish, a smart-ass, an asshole 

the works,

And often I can be an insensitive jerk.

i feel happy,

I get sad

But most often

I wish that,

The good,

Could outweigh, the bad.

It's easy to pretend

That you're not in pain

But your smiles are not genuine

So it's not the same.

I wish it would stop

Really i do

Maybe the vault i built to hold the darkness,

is holding me too.

The Same

I have blood in my veins

A skeleton of bones

I have hair on my body

Ten fingers

Ten toes

A pair of eyes

A nose with two holes

One big mouth

32 teeth

16 on top and 16 below.

Why should my color decide whether we are friend or foe?

Why doesn't society just leaves us all alone?

Black is black, white is white.

We work by day and sleep at night.

Yet by skin color defined,

I wish to know why,

The world of skeletons is separated by imaginary racial lines.

We all are born,

We all age,

We all die

That is just,

The way of life.

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