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I actually answer my phone like that. Its the joining of yellow a colour that i think is happy and hello as a greeting.

Lets play a game called "Curiosity"

Yes i just made that up and i know such a game doesn't really exists but i'm curious to hear about the interest of people i do not know.

Who's your favorite celebrity? 

I love Jennifer Lawrence. I think she's really cool.

What are three of the coolest books or series you've read?

Hunger Games by Susan Collins,

The Mischievous Mrs Maxfield (if you haven't read it you should right here on wattpad) and

Thirst series by Christopher Pike

Ebook or Paperbacks?

Honestly i love the smell of old books and new books and the weight of a book in my hand. Ebooks are cool too and easier to store but reading on electronics for hours gives me bad headaches and messes with my eyes.

What type of music do you like?

R&B Pop Alternative rock etc, Very few hip hop songs appeal to me and i generally prefer old music but i often mix it up bit.

Suggest some songs you like....I love music but my choices are limited to what i have heard and suggestions.

What's your favorite colors?

I love brown. Why? My hair is brown my eyes are brown my skin is brown and i love how i look and therefore i love brown.

I also like blue and white and grey and green and pink and of course black (because it makes me look slim)

If the world was about to end and you had 24 hours to do anything you want what would you do?

I would spend the day eating pizza and chocolate and ice cream while reading as many books as i can. I'f I'm going to die I'm going to die full and doing something i love.


What's your style? Girly? Vintage? Punk? Emo? t-shirts and jeans etc ?

I'm annoying with t-shirts and jeans almost all the time. Dresses are for church and sleep and formal events. I own exactly ....Wait a minute while i count them.....okay.

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