Chapter 13 The orange shield letter

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 The next morning I woke up in hunter's bed with my head resting on his bare bust. The room was completely lit up, shit I had overslept. I was supposed to meet Duncan to work on an assignment in the library. Quickly I stood up, muttering can be heard coming from Hunter. "What's going on?" "I have to leave for the library, see you later?" again muttering "assume so". Sloppily dressed and exhausted I arrived at the library. Duncan sat at a table in the corner. He knew that's where I preferred to sit. "You came, about time" Duncan. "Yes, had a rough night needed a little more sleep." "Yes, heard it, you and hunter had quite an argument last night, if you need a new room my roommate was removed from the academy this week so there is a bed free next to mine."

Quickly I changed the subject of the conversation, and we went to work.

The day off flew by. When I opened the door to my room I was surprised by a hunter. With a big hug I was processed into our room. "What's the matter with you?" I said in amazement. "Not much, but with you there is" he handed me a letter. "It was orange and had wax seal with a shield on it. The shield looked like the one from school but slightly different. "It's from the orange shield!" yelled hunter. "What does the orange shield have to say to me?"

The orange shield is an organization that does a lot for the academy and its students. In principle, each criminal gang stands for itself, but each gang is connected to the orange shield. The orange shield keeps track of quest and help graduating students have an access at criminal gangs. If there is a betrayal against the rules of The Rainbow Brotherhood, Orange is the one to sentence you. Orange shield is neutral among all the other gangs. All the territory that is from Orange is neutral and any gang may come. The inn is part of the orange shield and makes for a good communication place for gangs.

So again, the question why I gotten a letter from them.

Hunter grabbed a second letter from his back pocket. "Open it together?" He handed me my letter. After I took mine, hunter grabbed a pocketknife from his pocket and handed one to me as well. Together we opened our letters.

Congratulations in the next term you will begin your final project and exams. The Orange Shield on behalf of The Rainbow Brotherhood would like to wish you success in this final part of your training. Show your best talents and maybe one of the gangs of The Rainbow Brotherhood choose you. you know the gangs, but I will repeat them for you:

White violinist

Black Horseman

Red heart

Orange shield

Gold star

Green hood

Blue river

Purple priest

After reading my letter, I looked to see if Hunter had finished reading as well. Hunter was not ready he is a slow reader. In classes, he also has some difficulty reading. Hunter looked up from his letter, and looked up at me, his face going from joyous to concerned. " Can you take exams this year too?" There was a concern within his voice that I cannot understand. After all, we are at this academy to graduate and that was the whole point. "Yes, I get to do my final project and exams. Do you get to take finals?" "Yes, but how are you going to get through finals? you haven't trained in months." Hunter was right. "As of today, I will join your extra training again, and class too."

And that is also what I did. From there until my exams, I went back to fight training and trained every day after school. On Saturdays I went to the Inn. The owner and I built a good band. He gave me tips for exams and told me stories about the different gangs. He also gave me and Hunter small quests we could do, for practice but also to prepare us for our final project.

The story of a boy named Morthus, or is it Armin?Where stories live. Discover now