Chapter 7 Art nemesis

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My grades in the theoretical subjects improved due to the fact that from that day on I spend my afternoons studying.I became top of my stealing class. Because in the library I found a book about all kinds of locks and how they work. I started reading uncommon books and writings myself so there too I was high in the class rankings in uncommon class two. Hunter and I didn't speak anymore. when we ran into each other in the hallway or in the room we exchanged awkward smiles back at each other but that was all.

Art could also usually be found in the library. The odd thing was that every time I finished a book Art would read it afterwards. So, I stepped up to him and from then on, we had a deal every time one of us had read something we would pass on the titles to each other.

I was transferred classes because of my good results in all my subjects. Now I was in the same class as Hunter and Art. Art really wanted to sit next to me in theoretical classes because, to put it in his words, "if you sit next to someone smart, the teacher assumes you are smart." he does the opposite in the practical subjects there he fights a poorer opponent to make sure he always wins.

Which is pretty crazy because art is definitely not a bad fighter. He is as strong as bear. and when it comes to fighting without weapons, he wins over everyone in our class even hunter. But still when dealing with weapons he can be a bit clumsy. some teachers noticed that art did this to look better. But to my surprise, this technique still worked for some teachers.

but the fight teacher didn't like it made me and Art do an example fight in front of the class. "Strong versus agility, strength versus technique" as he called it. I would rather call it Bear versus bunny. one of my fellow students I heard saying, "we already know who is going to win this, I mean a pro wrestler against... that". The only advantage I had was that I knew what fighting books Art had read so I knew the theory he knew too. During the battle he simply did not use the theory from the books at all. He just stormed at me with his morning star and put brutal force behind it. In my time in this class, I had noticed that Art leans on his right leg when he lashes out and puts his weight fully into his throw. So, I waited for the moment he would swing his morning star my direction. I dodged the projectile and pushed my back against his belly grabbed his arm and used his momentum to throw him over my shoulder. When I saw him on the ground, I was surprised myself that it had worked. I had only read in the books that you can use someone's momentum against them but never tried it in practice. Art jumped up and in a furious burst he started to beat me up. The morning star hit me in my eye. My hand grabbed at my eye I felt something warm flowing over my hand. But I couldn't see was it was. then it went black. 

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