Chapter 10 The scarf system

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Lowell the twin brother of Lovett barely talks and is always focused on the lesson or task at hand. So, he didn't like me and his twin brother talking during class. I never understood how twins could be so different. Lovett loved talking so his best subjects were Negotiating and Uncommenting. These were precisely Lowell's weaker subjects. In every other subject, he is really good. But he didn't like talking so the social subjects were his weaknesses. Lowell spends a lot of time in the library. As a result, he is light skinned. Lovett can always be found outside at the training facilities or just somewhere on the lawn, which makes his face more tanned. Other than that, they are almost the same, they even have the same scarf both without anything on it.

The academy works with a scarf system. My class wears green. On the scarf, you can also get stripes. Stripes can mean different things. Some are for diplomas you have achieved others are for fights you have done at the big sports day competition. If you had won the sports day, you get brown stripes. Hunter, Silver, and Duncan all won once and thus brown stripes. Art also won once, and he is so proud of that that he had a full brown scarf made. My scarf and the twins' is currently empty. 

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