14- Awful Villain

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Tanjiro raises his sword in order to kill the demon before him when he realises his sword won't cut through the demon's neck.

"Genya was right. You're a tough bastard" Tanjiro says as he continues his strike, "but that doesn't mean I'm willing to back down. I will slaughter you and make you pay for the lives you've taken" he says as the demon starts to scream, or screech as some might say, as Tanjiro flinches, "what an awful sound! But I'll still kill you!" he yells when he feels a stronger presence than the four emotion demons combined behind him.

"Tanjiro, get out of the way!" Genya yells as he points his gun at the demon behind Tanjiro, only to realise if he did, he'd most likely get Tanjiro as well.

Tanjiro hears some kind of crackling behind him and then the sound of a small drum being hit There is a large gust of wind as Tanjiro is knocked backwards. Suddenly, something grabs him and pulls him up into the sky.

"Tanjiro!" Sakura yells as she sees the whole event play out from a clearing in the woods, "I'm coming, it's gonna be okay!" she says as she tries to jump into the air.

"Where do you think you're going?" Muzan asks as he grabs her waist, pulling her into her, "I want every bit of your attention of me".

"Let go of me, you psycho!" Sakura yells as he turns to him, only to have him use some kind of spell on her as she falls to the ground, unable to move, "what the hell did you do to me?".

"It's just a small medicine. It'll make you lose all motion in your limbs. Just while I dive into your memories. Let's see, let's see" Muzan says as he kneels next to her, digging his nails into her skull as she screams.

Tanjiro hangs onto the wooden sculpted dragon like creature as he looks around, wondering where the demon went. More of the same dragon's come from nowhere, doing their best to attack him. One comes out of nowhere he braces himself when Nezuko grabs him, the dragon managing to take off one arm and one leg.

"Nezuko!" Tanjiro says worriedly as Nezuko regrows both missing limbs, the two of them crashing to the ground, "Nezuko, are you okay?" he asks as he runs over to her, kneeling down next to her, "you regrew your limbs. Thank God".

The two of them sense a heavy pressure from next to them as they look over and see five of the dragons waiting behind a demon with a young appearance, five drums, each with a different emotion written on them on the demon's back.

"You brutal fiends who torment the weak" the demon says annoyed, "atrocious, offensive, to the extreme. Damn you, awful villains".

A sixth demon? Another one showed up? Come on. Enough is enough! No. That's not the sixth one. The four emotions. There's no trace of the other demons!

Tanjiro says as he looks around.

What the hell is this? What's going on here? That one was the anger demon just a second ago. The moment Tanjiro's sword nearly slashed that tiny demon's neck, the anger demon raised both its hands. And in the blink of an eye, it drew in the joy and the pleasure demons. As if their bodies were being crushed down he absorbed both demons! Then, in another instant, the anger demon moved towards Aizetsu. Aizetsu opened his mouth as if to protest but he was absorbed before he could get a word out. The anger demon's body transformed and turned into that! What's up with that? He absorbed those three demons? Did he fuse with them? This wasn't even a split but he still got younger. He's a kid. He surpassed the probable main body, the old geezer, and fused!

Genya says as he watches the new demon hit a drum, making the wood close around the tiny demon.

Oh crap! The main body's being surrounded!

Tanjiro says worriedly.

"Hold up!" Tanjiro says as he prepares his sword, the demon glaring at him.

I can't breathe! It's so overpowering! My heart hurts!

Tanjiro says as he grips his chest.

"What is it?" the demon asks angrily, "you wretch. Do you have a problem with what I'm doing? Well, you awful villains?".

"What makes- what makes us the awful villains?" Tanjiro asks as his whole body shakes.

"It's because you torment the weak" the demon says as he gestures to the clump of wood where he's holding the tiny demon, "right? Just now, you tried to slash a small, weak being who you could fit in the palm of your hand. Utterly atrocious. Only a pure fiend would do that!".

"Small, weak being?" Tanjiro asks annoyed, "who- who's small and weak? Don't give me that! That scent you're giving off, the scent of blood, it's not just one hundred or two hundred humans that you've devoured. What did those people ever do to you? Did they all do something which they had to pay with their lives for? Don't you dare play the victim card after killing and eating scores of humans! You're twisted, through and through. You won't get away with this. You evil demon. I'll be the one to behead you!".

"Is that all you have to say?" the demon asks impatiently.

"I'm going to cut your head off!" Tanjiro says confidently.

"Were any of the humans I devoured members of your family?" the demon asks as he raises a brow, "if not, then this has nothing to do with you".

"That's not what I'm talking about" Tanjiro says frustrated, "people like that, people that will suffer the same way after this, I'm not letting anyone else go through that. What kind of reason does one person need to help another? If you can't understand something like that, then you're a fiend!".

The demon grits its teeth as it hits its drum, sending the five dragons towards Tanjiro and Nezuko.

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