12- Hashira

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I've been thinking about... that one blow all this time. The reason why I was able to cut off Gyutaro's head with that blow. How I felt in that moment, my breathing... the way I exerted myself. The way my whole body felt as though it were on fire and my forehead! Now I know. I can do it now! Just one more! I need to slash all four at once! Where's the last one?

Tanjiro asks himself as he looks around. He spots Genya in the trees and sees that he's got the fourth demon stabbed into the tree, the demon's head in Genya's hand.

"Genya! You did it!" Tanjiro says happily as he runs over, "Genya?".

Tanjiro notices something off about Genya as he studies his body language. Genya's whole body shakes with rage as his torso moves up and down with the heft of his breathing. Genya growls as he turns and glares at Tanjiro, his eyes completely black apart from his yellow iris', pointed, fanged teeth, his hair down slightly longer with yellow tips.

"Genya... are you--?" Tanjiro asks when he hears screams of pain from behind him.

"What kind of slashing attack was that?" Karaku asks as he holds his head, "I can't regenerate".

"The attack worked" Tanjiro says quietly as he looks at Karaku.

"The pain is scorching me!" Karaku complains.

"Calm down, you're so pathetic!" Sekido says as he gathers himself, "it takes time, but we can regenerate!".

"I don't know what's going on with Genya, but I've figured something out because he slashed one of them" Tanjiro says as he looks at Genya, "looks like even if we try and kill them all at the same time, we can't finish them off like we did Gyutaro. Attacking these four emotion demons is pretty much pointless" he says as he remembers Nezuko, "Nezuko!" he says as he runs over to her, "Nezuko!" he says as he cuts through the plank of rubble which traps her.

Nezuko scrambles up as she runs to Tanjiro, hugging him tightly as Tanjiro wraps his arms around her.

"Something's been bothering me all this time" Tanjiro says as he looks at Nezuko, "is it possible that their heads aren't their vital spots? Something felt so off. This scent that I caught, just for a moment... right. That was... the scent of a fifth demon! Nezuko, there's a fifth demon! We have to find it! The fifth demon's head's gotta be..." he says as he looks around when someone grabs him.

"Don't get so full of yourself!" Genya says as he grabs Tanjiro by his neck, "I'm the one who's gonna defeat the upper rank! You didn't defeat the upper six on your own! That's why you haven't become a Hashira!".

"Uh, yeah, that's right" Tanjiro says as he struggles to get the words out.

"You can bet that I'm going to beat you to it!" Genya says as he drools badly.

"Genya, you're drooling, okay? What's wrong?" Tanjiro asks worriedly, "not to mention, you're choking me!".

"I'm the one who's gonna become a Hashira!" Genya says as he tightens his grip.

"I see! I get it, sure!" Tanjiro says happily, "Nezuko and I will give you our full support! Let's give it our all, all three of us! I'm sure there's a fifth demon somewhere! I'll look for it, but I'm gonna need you and Nezuko to buy me some time!".

"I know what you're up to! You're going to make me let down my guard, and..." Genya says when he spots the innocence in Tanjiro's eyes.

"Look out!" Tanjiro says as he pulls Genya out of the way just in time as Sekido slams his staff into the ground, the three of them managing to dodge the attack, "the anger demon's regenerated already! Hurry! Genya, I'll let you know as soon as I've found the fifth demon! So, you need to keep these demons at bay!".

"They've all generated, damn it!" Genya says as he looks at the three demons.

"Whatever you do, just don't slash Nezuko!" Tanjiro says as he starts to run off, "she's my little sister" he says as Genya look at Nezuko who gives Genya a peace sign.

Urogi tries to fly down to Tanjiro but Genya shoots at him in order to stop him, Urogi swooping down to him.

"Where is that fifth demon?" Tanjiro asks as he looks around, "I have to find it while Genya and Nezuko are fending off the others".

Nezuko tries to kick Karaku but he blocks her kick, trying to attack with his fan but she moves out of the way as the blast shoots straight in front of her, nearly hitting Tanjiro as it shoots past him, the scent of the hot spring becoming less strong.

"What's this?" Tanjiro asks as he looks at Karaku and Nezuko, "thanks to the wind created by that demon with the fan, the sulphur smell from the hot spring is gone. Find it!" he says as he takes a deep breath in, smelling the scent in the air, "concentrate!" he says as he gasps and looks to his right, following the scent as he finds the demon through its scent, "found it, found it, I found it! Genya!" he yells as he runs over in the direction of the demon.

"Urogi!" Sekido yells as he looks up at Urogi.

Urogi swoops down in front of Tanjiro as Tanjiro tries to swipe him, but Urogi blocks his attack, the two of them going back and forth like that.

"Go straight, Northeast!" Tanjiro yells as he continues to focus on the scent and Urogi who's in front of him, "the fifth demon's hiding itself close to the ground!" he says as Genya starts to run in the direction Tanjiro tells him, "Genya! Go after it!" he yells as he continues to attack Urogi, "I'll cover you, so just go!".

"Northeast!" Genya says as he looks ahead of him.

Tanjiro watches as Sekido raises his staff when Nezuko kicks Karaku off of her.

"Nezuko! Go help Genya!" Tanjiro yells as he moves out of the way of Urogi's attack, "don't let the Anger Demon get in Genya's way!".

Urogi flies upwards as Karaku runs over and fans at Tanjiro, knocking him over. Tanjiro grabs onto a thin stump of wood from the ground as the wind dies down. Tanjiro watches as Sekido goes to attack again when Nezuko jumps at Sekido, going to scratch him when Aizetsu runs and stabs her in the chest.

"Nezuko!" Tanjiro yells as he stabs his sword into the ground.

Aizetsu runs and stabs the tree behind Nezuko, stabbing her into the tree, Nezuko becoming stuck.

"Don't fight back" Aizetsu says as Nezuko tries to pull the staff out of her stomach, "you're making me sad. Sekido...".

"I know!" Sekido says as he raises his staff, "I'm going to crucify--!".

Tanjiro runs in as he cuts Sekido's arm off, forcing him to let go of the staff. Urogi swoops down and tries to attack him but Tanjiro spins and tries to cut him, Urogi flying off again. Sekido watches Tanjiro's speed pick up as Nezuko's flames continue to burn bright on his sword. Urogi tries to scream but Tanjiro cuts his mouth, stopping him. Aizetsu watches the whole thing go down, becoming distracted for a moment as Nezuko grabs his hand, digging her nails into his skin, pulling herself towards him, the dagger still impaling her as she wraps her legs around his waist, using her blood to burn Aizetsu. Tanjiro runs at Karaku, sword ready to attack.

"You little brat!" Karaku yells as he fans Tanjiro, forcing him to the ground, "alright! Now I've just gotta go after that bullet popping kid!" he says as he spots Genya, raising his fan, only for Tanjiro to cut his hand off.

Karaku looks down at Tanjiro and goes to stand on him when Tanjiro rolls out of the way.

"Genya! To your right!" Tanjiro yells as he lifts his head, "it's moving South! Search for it!".

Genya continues to run through the forest, listening to Tanjiro's instructions. He stops for a moment and tries to listen out for the demon when he looks down and spots the demon on the ground, but the demon is completely tiny. The demon tries to run but Genya shoots at it, only for the bullets to have no effect. The demon takes off, a fast pace as quick as its tiny legs can take it as Genya goes to cut its neck when his sword snaps in two at the demon's sheer strength. Suddenly, he feels Sekido's presence behind him as he realises this might be the end for him, not being able to regenerate when his head is cut. He shuts his eyes as he starts to think about his older brother.

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