11- Bright Red Sword

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The villagers run away and sound the alarm bells as Gyokko's fish demons attack the villagers.

"Enemy attack! Demons! Enemy attack!" the man ringing the bell says frantically as he watches everyone running around on the ground, "protect the leaders of each clan! Take out the Hashira's swords! Help the chief get away!" he yells as one of the demons crawls up the side of the bell tower, taking it down.

A man looks up at the tower as he runs off, one of the demons scratching his back.

"Tetsugorou!" another man says as he grabs Tetsugorou.

"Watch out!" another man says as he back off from the demons, "those monsters' claws are as sharp as blades! Take cover inside of the buildings for now!" he says as the demon hits his weapon away, "no good! Get back! Get back!".

The demon runs for them but Mitsuri runs in just in time, killing the demon as she breaks its pot.

"Whoa! A Hashira showed up!" one of the men says as they look at Mitsuri.

"Sorry I'm late!" Mitsuri says as she looks down at them all from the air, "I'll take care of this right away, everyone!".

Mitsuri takes down the other fish around them as she looks around trying to spot more.

"Wow!" the men says as they watch Mitsuri.

"The chief! Please look after the chief!" one of the men say as they hope Mitsuri will get there in time.

Nearby, one of the chief's guards holds a spear in his hands as he tries to fend off the large fish in front of him, the fish which is holding Tecchin in its hand.

"Chief!" the man yells as he runs at the beast, trying to hit it but it had no affect.

The beast hits him into the building nearby as he lands on the ground. Mitsuri runs in as she takes down the beast. She lands on the ground as the demon starts to disintegrate when she realises Tecchin is still in the demon's hand. She runs and grabs Tecchin, holding him close.

"Are you alright, Lord Tecchin?" Mitsuri asks as the two of them land, "stay with me! Lord Tecchin! Can you hear me?".

"Here I am in the arms of a young, beautiful girl. I am on cloud nine!" Tecchin asks as he looks at Mitsuri.

"Oh my! Lord Tecchin! Please!" Mitsuri says as she blushes.

"I fell on my head, too!" the guard says as he reaches out to Mitsuri, "please hold my hand!".

"Oh dear, forgive me!" Mitsuri says as she looks at the man, "are you okay?".

"You back off!" Tecchin says as he tries to Mitsuri to himself.

Muzan and Sakura continue to fight as Muzan pins Sakura down on the ground, trying to go through her memories.

"You're not going to find what you want, so just stop it!" Sakura says as she kicks through Muzan's chest as Sakura holds him there, "it's been 400 years and you've been scouring my memories every single day! Just give it a rest!".

"I won't give in!" Muzan says as he rushes to her, holding her face, "as soon as you let me in, you and I can be together again. I know that's what you want. You do love me".

"You can go on believing that but it will never be true" Sakura says as she pushes him away.

What? What is this smell? Am I moving? What's going on?

Tanjiro asks as he stirs in his unconscious state before waking, realising he's upside down over someone's shoulder. His eyes open as he spots the orange tips of Nezuko's hair as he realises he's on Nezuko's shoulder. He looks up and he sees the three demons standing above them. Sekido bangs his staff on the ground as lightning strikes everywhere. Nezuko does her best to dodge but the two end up getting caught up as they land on the ground, Nezuko losing consciousness. Tanjiro grabs Nezuko and rolls out of the way as Urogi swoops down, trying to cut the two of them. Tanjiro stands up and throws Nezuko over his shoulder as he runs out of the room.

"Curses! Could they be any slower?" Sekido asks as he watches them, "Karaku! Blast it away!".

"Right!" Karaku says as he jumps down, chasing after the two of them, "I was just about to do that anyway!".

He fans air towards Tanjiro and Nezuko but Tanjiro turns a corner, the wall blowing out. Karaku chuckles as he continues after the two of them.

"Hey, brat!" Karaku says as he fans over to Tanjiro and Nezuko, "die!".

The wall is blown out as Tanjiro and Nezuko are thrown into the air. Tanjiro reaches for Nezuko but Nezuko wakes up as she grabs Tanjiro's sword. The two land as Nezuko is caught under some of the rubble, her grip not leaving Tanjiro's sword.

"Damn it! The rubble!" Tanjiro says as he tries to move the rubble, noticing Nezuko's strong grip on his sword, "Nezuko, it's okay! I'd never abandon you! Let go of my sword! I'll clear the rubble away, okay?" he says as Nezuko's hands start to bleed, "Nezuko! Stop it! You're going to cut your fingers!".

"It certainly blew up completely" Tanjiro hears Sekido say from nearby.

"Once this smoke clears, it will spell their demise" Karaku says as he holds his fan over his shoulder.

"Nezuko" Tanjiro says as he lowers his voice, looking at Nezuko, "stop. You have to stop" he says as she pulls the sword towards her more, not letting go, "Nezuko. Please let go of my sword. Nezuko!".

Nezuko's blood explodes on Tanjiro sword as she lets go of it.

The sword is ablaze with Nezuko's blood. The sword is changing colour. The temperature is rising and my black sword is turning red. It's enveloped in burning blood. This is a exploding blood sword!

Tanjiro says as he stands up.

So, it turns red, right? Your sword is usually black but it's red when you fight!

Tanjiro hears a female voice say in his head.

What's this?

He asks as he shuts his eyes, seeing Sakura, looking at whoever's eyes he's looking through.

Why is that, do you think, Yoriichi-san? It's so mysterious! It's so beautiful, isn't it?

Sakura says as she smiles brightly.

Sakura-san? Who are you talking to? Oh, right. This is an inherited memory. The sword she's talking about probably belongs to that man. The swordsman with the same earrings as mine. Sakura-san's late husband! Was Sakura-san's husband's sword pitch black like mine? And my own sword just turned red, too. It changed colour! This sword turned red thanks to the power of Nezuko's blood, so... even though it was a different method than Sakura-san's husband's... right now, my sword is just like his. You may think you have gotten stronger, but there will always be stronger demons! I'm only flesh and blood, so my body is scarred and battered... but... every time, someone comes to my aid! I have to meet their expectations! Everyone who's helped me out has just one wish... just one desire! To defeat the demons! To protect human lives! I have to come through for them!

Tanjiro says as he walks out, the three demons looking at him.

"Even if you resort to cheap tricks, you can't fool me" Karaku says as he puts his hand on his hip.

"You can slash me, but I won't feel a thing" Urogi says as he flies towards Tanjiro.

A burning blade. Raging Sword. Lord Muzan's memories. The sword of the swordsman who drove Lord Muzan into a corner alongside Sakura... and nearly beheaded him!

Sekido says as he looks at Tanjiro and sees Muzan's memories of Sakura's husband. He watches as Tanjiro's raises his sword and sees Yoriichi standing behind Tanjiro in the same position as Tanjiro's scar gets bigger.

"Hinokami Kagura Sun Halo Dragon Head Dance!" Tanjiro says as he cuts all three demon's heads off in one clean swoop.

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