Ch 14: married!

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Before we start I WANNA THANK YOU ALL FOR 1,000 READS!! :D Bro Tysm everyone who decided to read this even with my bad posting schedule :,))) This is my last chapter BUT DON'T WORRY CAUSE I HAVE ANOTHER QUACKBUR STORYYY :D The next one will be a highschool au story and by the time this gets released there will be an introduction chapter and the first chapter already posted :D also this is a little time skipped.

All the halls were decked from bottom to top with wedding decorations. Knights were working around the castle hustling things from here to there. "Hah! Take that you fucking bitch!" Tommy said as he flipped off dream while sitting on the Queens throne because she gave him permission for this one day to be one of the main knights. Dream rolled his eyes. Dream was invited because of his nobility and his relationship with the prince of Mushroom kingdom who was being forced to get a normal sleep schedule from his husband. George slowly walked to Dream while his parents went to give their congratulations to the king and queen of Las Nevadas. He slumped onto Dream and almost fell asleep but was awakened by Dream flicking him on the head. "AYYYY GOGY HOW ARE YA!?" Tommy yelled at George while jumping off the throne and standing near George. 

"Hi Tom, haven't seen you since you had to train for 6 months at the mushroom kingdom." George said now awake. Suddenly 2 people walked through the doors and started congratulating the king and queen. Tommy, Dream, and George turned around to see an energetic Karl and a tired Sapnap. Karl noticed them and standing waving while running towards them.

"Hi everyone! Ready for the wedding?" Karl said while hugging both Tommy and George and messing up Tommy hair in the process making it poof back into its normal, curly style.

"Looks like Karl's in the mood, but I'm pretty sure someone's not." Dream said to Sapnap. He sighed. 

"I totally forgot about the wedding and stayed up all night." Sapnap said while rubbing his eyes trying to look awaken. 

"How's it going with George." Sapnap asked. 

"Well after our wedding I'd say things have been going pretty well." Dream replied. Suddenly, Tubbo and Yamboo ran downstairs making loud noises from their footsteps. 

"How's everyone doing!!!!!!" Tubbo yelled as he and Yamboo ran towards the group. A tall figure slowly tapped Tubbo shoulder. Tubbo swiftly turned around and Widely grinned after seeing who it was. "RANBOOOO!!!! I'm so glad you camee!" Tubbo said while hugging Ranboo. 

"AYYYY RANBOO'S HERE!" Tommy said while joining into the hug. A guard rushed towards the group. 

"I'm terribly sorry for ruining the conversation your highnesses and fellow nobility's, but the wedding is about to start so I do ask that you take your seats." The guard said and then returned to what they were doing. 

"Well I guess we should take our seats then. Let's gooo!" Tubbo said while running towards the wedding place.

-----------------------------------------------small time skip----------------------------------------------

Wilbur stared at Quackity as he walked down the isle. "He's beautiful..." Wilbur whispered in awe.

"Of course you think he's beautiful he's your soon to be husband." Tommy said while rolling his eyes. 

"I should have chosen Tubbo as the ring man." Wilbur said while whispering and glaring at Tommy. Quackity stood next to Wilbur to say their vows. "You look great." Wilbur said while smiling. 

"Wilbur Minecraft Soot, do you choose Quackity to be your long wedded husband, to care for him and to be with him till death?" The priest spoke.

"I do." Wilbur said gently while smiling. 

"Quackity Las Nevadas, do you choose Wilbur to be your long wedded husband, to care for him and to be with him till death?" 

"I do." Quackity said while smiling back at Wilbur.

"Well in the name of the (Enter religious text here), I know pronounce you-"

"JUST KISS HIM ALREADY WILBUR!" Tommy yelled from the crowd. Wilbur looked at Quackity and kissed him. Everyone started clapping and cheering for them.

"Husband and Husband." The priest quietly grumbled. "It's always the teenagers." The priest said while glaring at Tommy who was too busy standing up and cheering for Quackity and Wilbur to notice the priest. Wilbur then broke the kiss and stared at Quackity. 

"I love you Quackity, and I always will." Wilbur said.

"I love you too Wilbur." Quackity said while smiling.

"And That, Tallulah and Michael, is how Quackity and Wilbur got married." I said while sighing after talking for so long. "How did you guys like it?"

"I loved it auntie Yamboo! It's so cool how Uncle Wilbur and Uncle Quackity got married!" Michael said excitingly. 

"Yea! Papa and Dad's story was so cool!" Tallulah said.

"Wait, how did papa and dad get married?" Michael asked.

"Tubbo and Ranboo? That's a story for another time." Michael frowned and I chuckled.

"What about Uncle Tom? Why is he not married?" Tallulah asked. 

"You guys need to ask your uncle Tom about that." I said while laughing.


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