Ch 2: This dudes siblings...

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      I laughed as I saw Tommy trying to helplessly fight a goose with his sword. Tommy noticed me and then glared. "If your so smart you deal with it big Q." Tommy said in a mocking voice. I smirked at him and picked up the goose with ease. petting it to calm it down. I looked at Tommy to see him with his mouth wide open staring in shock.

"Remind me what age you are again?" I said while still smirking.

"I'm 16 qUaCKiTy." Tommy said while grinning and confidently shining his sword.

"I wonder who made you a knight, I think they mistook you for someone else." I said while laughing. Tommy got super angry after that and kicked my knee. "OW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR??" Tommy started laughing as I frowned. 

"Oh by the way, did you meet my brother yet?" I looked at him confused, brother? I thought Tommy was a single kid in his family. 

"Your brother?"

"Oh yea! His name is Wilbur. Does that ring a bell?"

"Ohhhhh you mean Tubbo, Yamboo, and my personal knight?"

"Yea! By the way, do you like him??" I blushed so much I'm pretty sure I looked like a tomato. Tommy took that the wrong way and smirked at me. "Oh??? It looks like someone has a crushhhhhhhhh."

"Shut up tommy I don't like him and I've literally only met him yesterday." Tommy raised his eyebrow at me while smirking and then shrugged. "Wait, do you have any other siblings?" 

"Oh yea there's me Wilbur and Techno."


"Yea? What's wrong?"

"How is HE your brother out of all people?"

"Idk I guess he just is. Welp I got to go now, It's my turn to guard the castle for the evening." He said as he proudly smiled.

"Fine I'll leave you to that, just make sure you don't get scared of a goose again." I said with a smirk as I went back inside. When I entered I saw Tubbo and Yamboo putting on their coats with Wilbur behind them.

"Oh hey big Q! Wanna join us? We're going to town!" Tubbo said. I thought for a minute and decided it wouldn't hurt. I nodded as I walked out with them. I didn't bring a coat because I thought it would probably be warm outside. As we were walking Tubbo and Yamboo spotted a candy shop and decided to go over there. As we were walking a few kids ran running past me and one accidently tripped me. I thought I was gonna fall and slam my head onto the dirt but before I could fall someone as grabbed my waist and caught me. I opened my eyes to see it was Wilbur who had caught me. After he put me down the little kids started apologizing like they were gonna die if they didn't. I assured them everything was ok and gave them a quarter I kept in my pocket for good luck and they were really happy after that. After the little kids ran off Wilbur started Chuckling. 

"Do you like kids?" I faced him after he asked that question. 

"Well depends on the place, time, and kid."

"Well that was really kind of you your highness."

"Woah, lets calm down on the your highness part," I said while chuckling. "Just call me Quackity! I'm sure Tubbo and Yamboo told you to call them their names as well."

"Oh, ok then prince Quackity."

"Just Quackity." I said while smiling.

"O-ok, Quackity..."

"See! That wasn't so hard now was it?" I said while laughing.

"Y'know your laugh is really cute Quackity." Wilbur said while stuttering a little bit. I blushed at that comment and chuckled a bit. Why am I falling for this dude? 

"o-oh uh by the way, thanks for saving me from falling to the ground."

"It was nothing, don't want our prince to get hurt now do we." He said while chuckling

"HEY LOVEBIRDS IT'S TIME TO GO HOMEEEEEE." Yamboo yelled as she and Tubbo were running back home.

"HEY WAIT UP YOUR'E GONNA GET HURT!" Wilbur laughed as me and him ran after Yamboo and Tubbo. Suddenly it started raining and we were now running in mud. When we got to the castle Tubbo and Yamboo started kicking mud everywhere. "C'mon guys now you guys have to shower again when we get inside." I said while shaking my head and smiling. After a bunch of persuading we finally got Tubbo and Yamboo to go inside to shower. "I'm gonna go change too since I also got a little bit of mud on me." I told Wilbur as I was about to go into my room. 

"Oh ok then! I need to go shine my armor anyways." He said as we both parted ways. I got changed and went outside to see if anyone was done changing yet. I noticed the rain had stopped and the sun was shining again. I decided to walk around the upstairs for a bit and while I was walking I heard some clanking noises coming from Wilbur's room. Is he ok? I decided to go check if something happened. I noticed the door was a little bit opened so I opened the rest of the door and looked around. 

"Hey are you ok in here? Wilbu-" I stopped before I could finish. "W-Wilbur?"

(Word count: 882 words)

Haha I really trolled you guys there with that cliffhanger >:D What happens next? find out TOMMORROW! or maybe another day-

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