Chapter 8: Reality

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Waking up the next morning was so magical to Sarai as it felt like she was in a fairytale and things were only going to get better for her in the future.

She couldn't help but look down at the large engagement ring on her finger that Evan calls the 'starter ring' and says that it was smaller than he expected it to be but it will do.

Either way she is honored and proud to wear whatever kind of ring he got for her as she is blessed to be the one he wants to marry.

"Baby you almost ready?" Evan asked as he walked into the bathroom while Sarai was trying to put her hair up in the perfect bun

"No I'm trying to get my bun situated. Is it crooked in the back?"

"No, why don't you just wear it down?"

"Because I don't want to be too distracting and we're meeting with your dad and grandpa, the least I could do is put my hair up and be presentable."

"It's just dad and grandpa." He shrugged

"Also my future father in-law and grandpa. I don't want them to think being with me is a mistake. I mean whenever your mom is out with your dad she always looks very beautiful and the same with your grandma. I'm not a stunning beauty like your mom but I make up for it with being super presentable."

"Hey, don't say things about yourself like that, to me you are a stunning beauty and I'll fight anyone who disagrees. I don't expect you to look like my mother, grandma or any other woman in the world but yourself. I'm in love with you because of who you are and not how well you imitate others. Wear whatever makes you comfortable and happy, I'm in full support." He said as he kissed her cheek and she began to instead put her hair back in a low bun

"You look very beautiful." He smiled at her in the mirror

"Thank you. Are you sure this style is appropriate for this kind of setting?"

"Of course, like either of them will be concerned about your hair. Dad is still in the dark on what a cornrow is." Evan said as Sarai giggled


"Yeah it's the typical old, rich white man that is ignorant of certain things. As long as Trinity isn't upset with my lack of knowledge I'm fine with that." Evan said as he mocked Sebastian

"I find that a bit ironic that your dad doesn't know much about black culture."

"Well not to throw my dad under the bus but he knows what mom cares about or tells him to know. Mom isn't the type to talk about race or culture all day and when she did bring it up, he quickly noticed and went above and beyond to learn more and be involved.
However mom used this to her advantage and dragged him along to black neighborhoods and had dad build houses and hospitals for people and even so far as just reaching in his pocket for his wallet and started handing out money to people on the streets saying, here's some reparations for you." Evan laughed

"I'm sure he was upset about that."

"Maybe a little salty about her just freely giving his money away, but he couldn't stay too mad he knew he had to act accordingly because if he spoke out against it then he could kiss getting any loving goodbye, if the queen isn't happy then nobody will be. Dad may be the Don to the outside world but at home, he's Sebastian and he answers to Trinity."

"I think your parents are sweet and have a wonderful relationship."

"Yeah, it's the kind I hope to have myself one day with the woman I love most in the entire world." He said as he hugs her from behind and kisses her cheek
"Are you ready to face my dad and grandpa?"

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