09: the portuguese

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"Izogie, you woke me up at 2am to look for a stone. We have found nothing."

Izogie and I searched for stones in the cold water of the waterfall. The sound of rushing water and crashing waterfalls filled my ears as I spotted a smooth stone among the rough pebbles and rocks. I reached for a nearby branch to steady myself before leaning my body over the edge.

"Princess? Are you mad?" Izogie yelled in concern as she rushed towards me. I waved her off with my free hand, trying to ease her worries and insist that I was fine.

"I got it!"I yelled excited that I managed to find a smooth stone. But when I leaned back to show Izogie the stone, I fell and landed in her arms, which caused me to let out a soft laugh.

"Why do you do such reckless things, my love?" Izogie asked in a worried tone making me giggle as I turned to face her.

"Because it is fun watching the blood drain from your face in concern." I replied cheekily as I leaned forward to kiss her cheek. Right after, I picked up my sword and walked away with Izogie hot off my trail.

I sat next to Izogie on big stones, listening to her advice as we shaped my swords with the stones.

"I have not used this in years." I muttered feeling nervous as I honed my sword more.

"And you still will not use it anytime soon, especially when I am around." Izogie said sternly, and I scoffed in response.

"Why not?"I replied in a playful tone, giving her a sassy look.

"Because I am all the protection you need, Princess."Izogie responded making me kiss my teeth in response.

"When I was young, I was an agojie. I even took you down when you arrived."I pointed out to Izogie, reminding her of the time when we first met.

Izogie rolled her eyes in response and then added, "I was young, confused, and in love with you."

"That is your excuse? I can still take you down," I taunted her, feeling confident in my abilities as I stood up and towered over her since she was still sitting upon her rock.

"Oh you can, now?" she asked, her tone dripping with playful arrogance. Izogie let out a light chuckle as she stood up and now towered over me, due to her superior height. Without warning, she picked me up and placed me on her shoulder, causing me to gasp and giggle in response to her sudden, forceful action.

In a tone dripping with surprise, I asked her, "You lift up men in this manner on the battlefield?" prompting her to let out a small chuckle, expressing her amusement.

"Yes, other nations have small men. Small as you." Izogie said dismissively whilst chuckling, and I quickly replied, "I am not small!"

Once she placed me on the ground I pouted and crossed my arms, pretending to be offended that she would call me small. Deep down, I knew she was right, which only made my embarrassment worse.

"Come here, my love." Izogie said in a teasing manner, as she wrapped her arms around my waist and I felt her hand wander downward towards my backside. Before I could react, she squeezed my ass a couple of times, which caused a smile to form on my lips.

I rolled my eyes and playfully tried to push her away, feeling conflicted between my embarrassment and the affection she was showing me.

"Bring your sword."I muttered making her look at me oddly as I outstretched my arm.

"Please, Zogie. I will not kill you here."I sarcastically responded making her kiss her teeth before she handed me her sword.

I grabbed my dagger from my side pocket before I began tapping my dagger against her sword.

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