Loosing Battle

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After a long awkward car ride, you all got out of the car. Moon was the first to get out followed by you and Sun. Quickly Moon and Sun grabbed your hands. 

"Don't think of going anywhere, okay?" Moon said low almost as a growl.

You didn't know why but your cheeks flared up. You nodded in understanding being unable to speak.

"Moon stop flirting with them! I haven't even gotten a turn yet!" Sun fussed.

Moon rolled his eyes, "You could have jumped in at any time!"

"Moon is a real meanie sometimes. Don't worry I'll protect you!" Sun chimed as he tugged you closer to him. 

The closeness made you blush more. However, you questioned internally if they were fighting over you.

"They don't need protection from me, if anything they need protection from someone who acts like a dog. Like you!" Moon grumbled pulling you closer to him.

"Dog! I don't act like a dog! If anyone acts like an animal it is you! Acting all shady all the time, like a cat!" Sun tugged you closer fixing his hand around your waist.

Was it suddenly hotter outside or what? How far away is this dang restaurant?!

Moon snickered, "You're a golden retriever boy and there is nothing you can do to fix it!" He then grabbed the other side of your waist.

"Cheshire cat-looking thing!"

You had enough and pulled away. Red-faced you went ahead of them then turned around. "Stop pushing me around like a doll! I get you are both messing with me but you need to quit it!"

"Messing with you?" Sun questioned. "Why would we mess with you like that sweetheart?"

"Plus you being our doll would be quite fitting. So easily flustered, you're quite fragile." Moon said with a smirk.

"Shhhhhhh! Bad Moon!" You fussed tired of the flirting. "You two have to be messing with me! You both figured out I have a crush on you because of the thing so you want payback."

Sun look at you dumbfounded. He had a goofy grin on his face, and his cheeks were slightly tinted red. "So we are the ones in your love life?" He started fiddling with the bottom of his shirt nervously. 

"Even I didn't know that. Please do tell me the details dear." Moon smiled. He wasn't as bad off as Sun but he had a hard time composing his excitement. 

Your heart dropped. "I-uh. You two didn't know?"

They shook their heads no. 

You turned from them and started muttering to yourself how stupid you were. Repeatedly you facepalmed yourself. 

The two boys snaked their hands around your waist again.

"We can talk about this later sweetheart, we might miss Monty if we continue," Sun stated still with that goofy grin.

"I am not complaining but you two sure like skinship." You commented as the two guided you to the restaurant. 

"Words don't always get messages across, actions speak louder than words after all," Moon stated.

"It doesn't help that we are a bit touch starved." Sun blurted out. 

Moon shot daggers toward Sun. "We do not talk about that!" He hissed.

You smiled to yourself, you'll have to use that for later.

You three finally made it to the restaurant. Once they found Monty, who was in a booth, they guided you there. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2023 ⏰

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