Can They Chill?

204 10 6

(Chapter has been altered for easier reading).

Car model and pose from:
Y/h is your hair color)

Every day you went to go work with Chica ever since the day you met her. 

At the end of each week was your pay period, which allowed you to get the groceries you needed. Not only that, but it also allowed you to save up for your next rent payment. 

It was been fun to work with Chica, each day was like a party! When you helped her make cupcakes she would turn on some music. From there the day turned into a cupcake dance battle! Chica always wins though since she jazzercise in her free time.

Why does a robot need to jazzercise? Apparently, it helps her body to burn down food for fuel.

On a day you were helping her make cupcakes the counter bell rang signaling that a customer was waiting. 

You were about to go take the order of the customer when Chica stopped you, "I'll get it!" 

With that, she walked out of the kitchen bakery and to the counter. With her taking care of the customer you continued working on the cupcakes and dancing to the music when you heard yelling. 

The yelling caused you to be concerned so you went to go check on Chica. And you were so glad you did, a very angry customer was belittling your friend! 

"I TOLD YOU I WANT TO TALK TO THE OWNER, NOT SOME ROBOT!" A man yelled at her. His face was beet red from how mad he was. 

Chica stayed calm though, "I told you sir I am the owner! It even states it all over the restaurant!" 

"Yeah right! A robot can't own a bakery shop!" 

This interaction made your blood boil! Who does this guy think he is?! 

You marched your way up to the counter and put your arm on Chica. 

"What is the problem, sir?" 

"Finally the owner! I want to make an order for a big party and I want you to make it." 

You put your other hand up in a stop motion. "Sir, I can not do an order for you. For one, I am NOT the owner. Two you have been not only rude to my friend but also to the actual owner! And three, if you don't leave right now I am calling the police since this is harassment!"

The red left his face, he looked as pale as a ghost. The man stumbled back to the door and ran out. 

"Chica, are you okay?" You turned to Chica and put your hands on her shoulders. 

She nodded, "This isn't the first time this has happened sadly. I am able to deal with it now." 

That disgusted you, the fact that wasn't the first time made you very mad. 

"If that ever happens again tell me and I'll deal with it, okay?" 

Chica nodded. You gave her a hug and were about to get back to work when someone walked in. 

A purple wolf with white hair, and a single green streak at the front. She had on a red race suit and black sunglasses. She took them off as she flipped her hair. 

"Hey Chica, I am finally home." Chica was ecstatic and ran over to, who you assumed was Roxanne, and hugged her as tight as she could. Roxanne was laughing and held Chica tight as well. They exchanged a kiss before they both looked back at you, Roxanne had an arm around Chica's waist. 

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