The Odd Encounter

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(Chapter has been altered for easier reading).


You groan as you wake up, that alarm clock always got on your nerves. It was a surprise that you haven't broken the thing by now. 

 You looked around your room in a daze trying to wake up. 

The room was empty except for the mattress on the floor and the alarm clock. Your closet was small with a few clothes.

When you had graduated high school and turned eighteen you immediately got out of the Hell hole that was your parent's house. You were thankful to not wake up to being in that place, even though you are basically poor now. No money, no job...A great start to life!

"Time to job hunt," you sighed getting up off your twin mattress. 

Almost every day since you got your apartment you had gone to the local coffee shop to use their wifi to search for jobs. 

You thankfully had gotten an old cell phone from a teacher that was nice to you in high school. They wanted to make sure you were safe since you got bullied at school.

You get dressed and start walking to the coffee shop when it started raining. Oh JOY! You started to run as it poured rain. 

Not even a couple minutes in and you slipped in a puddle, "Ouch!" You cry out landing hard on your bottom, it was so hard you wondered if you had broken something. Thankfully you hadn't, you didn't have the money to go to the hospital... Or even get a check-up.

Before you were about to get up a hand shot in front of your face causing you to jump slightly. 

Following the hand to where it connected you saw a strange sight, a giant robot chicken standing in front of you.

What the frick? You wondered to yourself.

"Sorry if I startled you, I saw you fall and thought you could use a hand!" She smiled at you. Still wondering what is happening you took her hand and she helped you up. 

"Uhhh... I have a lot of questions." 

"Oh I get it, you're confused about a robot chicken right?" You nod. "How about we talk about it at my shop since it is raining." She laughs.

Gosh, I hope she isn't kidnapping me or something. Maybe is just really nice? 

"Yeah, that is a good idea." 

You begin to run following Chica to her shop. Once you get inside you realize it is a cupcake shop. 

"Welcome to Chica's Cupcakes! I am Chica and this is my cupcake shop." 

"Stay here while I get you some stuff to dry off with." Chica walked up some stairs at the back of the store while you stood at the door. 

While she was gone, you took a look around, it smelled amazing in there. Yet the looks were even better. The decor was the cutest you have ever seen, in complete pastel colors. Anything and everything that would make the chicest shop or store jealous. It was like walking into a pastel dessert haven. As you got done glancing around Chica came back with some towels and clothes.

"Here is a towel and clothes, after you dry off a bit you are free to go upstairs and change in the bathroom. If you are super cold you can even have a shower or bath and get changed."

"Hold up! Why are you being so nice and how do you know my clothing size!" 

Chica paused, most likely thinking over her answer so she didn't scare you further. "For one, it is a part of my programming. When I was programmed they weren't sure yet if I would be a baker or a clothes designer, in the end, they gave me both. Second of all, it looked like you need a friend. Not to be rude but those clothes look awfully worn out, you look like you are a walking corpse with how tiered you look, and I have heard your stomach growl a few times on the way here."

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