Mall Trip

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(Chapter has been altered for easier reading).

Your ringtone sounded as if you were having your breakfast. 

It was now the weekend, the day of the plan. You took a quick sip of your (drink of choice) and picked up the call. 

"Hello?" You asked, you had already looked at the caller ID knowing who exactly it was. 

"Hey, (Y/n). Glad you are awake, I'll be over soon to pick you up." 

"Why are you picking me up so early?" 

"So we can work on a disguise for you and me of course!" 

You ohed to his explanation. "All right, I'll be ready when you get here. Do I need anything specific?" 

"Only yourself  and maybe some hair products (and makeup if you use it), I'll take care of everything else." 

"Alright, see you. Bye!" Monty said goodbye and hung up. You let out a sigh, the remaining of your breakfast now cold. 

"I wasn't that hungry anyway," you grumbled as you got up to get ready. 

You didn't wear anything fancy thinking that you will probably be changing soon. 

You did all your typical things to get ready when you dressed casually. (No makeup, accessories, whatnot right now). You got together a bag of your important things as well, your phone, house keys, money, water, and everything you needed to be comfortable. 

Just as you got done with what you needed to do the doorbell rang. Remembering what happened not too long ago you slowly went to the door to check the peephole. Monty was outside your door so you opened it. 

"Hey, you ready?" 

You nodded. 

"Then let's rock and roll!" With that, he made a wave of his hand for you to follow him. 

He led you to a sports car, it was green and purple. The purple aiding in making the car look sleeker. 

The rims of the wheels were red. Monty looked at you with a smug look, "Pretty isn't it?" 

You rolled your eyes, "You look like you are copying Roxanne a bit." 

Monty's jaw fell in disbelief, his checks turned red in frustration and embarrassment. "Psh, am not! We just have similar favorite colors is all!" 

"Mmmhmmm, pretend all you want," Monty growled and pointed for you to get in the car. 

You shrugged and got into the passenger seat. Monty soon followed getting into the driver's seat. After getting your seat belts buckled and Monty getting ready to drive you two left the parking lot. 

"So, where are we going?" you asked quizzically. 

"Gonna hit the mall, there are a couple of stores we can go to for clothes and other stuff. I'll be paying by the way." 

"Thanks, I don't have a lot of extra money for these types of things." 

"You'll be able to keep the stuff, just don't wear it until the prank dies down." 

You nodded. 

After a few minutes, Monty parked the car and you both exited. 

"Stay close, it is pretty crowded on the weekends and I don't want you getting lost." 

With that Monty started towards the entrance to the mall. You jogged to catch back up with him. Entering the mall you really saw how large it is. 

"Geeze, this is larger than I thought." 

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