21- Part 6 The Final Battle. Saving DeathCron & Primus From The Darkness

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Location: Cybertron

Inside Cybertron:

Location: Battlefield

Inside The Battlefield:

Soon before everyone knew it. The battle had begun. Everything was getting so chaotic that Sideways couldn't concentrate on the device. Wheeljack went over and helped him out. "What's this supposed to do?" He asked him. "It's supposed to trap the darker version of Primus inside here. He won't be able to escape." He said and explained to Wheeljack. Zeta Prime went with the staff but the darker version grabbed the staff. He used it but went straight towards me and Megatron. We looked and we immediately yelled. "Megsy." I said. "I... I know, my queen." He said and replied back to me. Soon before we knew it. We were combined into one. Like I was in his body. "Megsy." I said. "We have to work together, my queen. I know it will be hard. Just work together." He said and replied back to me.

We both went and clashed against the darkness. We pushed it towards the trap. Wheeljack and Sideways saw Megatron. But was shocked seeing you and Megatron combined into one and pushing the darkness towards the trap. Sideways immediately set the trap. They both ran. Soon the trap activated. The darker version of Primus saw this. "NO!!!!!" He shouted. He went and he threw the staff. But Unicron ran and he blocked the staff from destroying the trap. Gasps. He looked down and he saw his brother's staff had gone through his chest. Soon the trap went off and it immediately separated Primus and DeathCron from the darkness. Soon the darker version of Primus immediately yelled. Feeling the pain that it was getting from the trap. Soon before he knew it. He was pulled and he was finally trapped inside the container.

Sideways ran over and he locked the device where it can't escape and where no one can unlock it. Primus slowly opened his optics. He looked and he saw everyone. He turned over and he saw his niece. He smiled knowing that she was safe and unharmed. "DeathCron." He said. She slowly opened her optics. She looked and she saw her uncle. She immediately hugged him. He smiled and he hugged her back. But she turned and she saw her father. "No." She whispered. "FATHER!" She yelled. She immediately ran over. "Father." She said to her father. Primus walked over. He pulled out his staff. He immediately healed his brother. He immediately gasped. He looked and he saw his daughter. "DeathCron." He said. He immediately had tears. They both hugged each other. Primus walked but soon did something.

"Go get him. He has missed you." He said and whispered to his brother's wife. Primus walked over to you and Megatron. You both saw Primus walking over. Soon he used his powers and he separated both you and Megatron. You both sighed in relief knowing that you are back in your own bodies. Soon Primus disappeared. The femme walked over to her husband and her daughter. "What about me? Can I get a hug from my favorite Chaos Bringer?" She said and asked her husband. Unicron's eyes immediately widened. He knew that voice. It was his wife's and his daughter's mother's voice. He looked and he was shocked. He saw his wife was alive. His brother brought her back to life. He immediately had tears. He quickly got up. He groaned at the pain. But he didn't care. His wife was back. He immediately ran and he hugged her.

They both nuzzled against each other. DeathCron frowned. "Father. I want some attention from mom too. I missed her." She said to her father. Unicron looked at his daughter. "Are you jealous? Because it seems like you are jealous." He asked his daughter. "No. I am not jealous." She said and replied back to her father. Soon she saw her mother walking over. She smiled. She immediately embraced her daughter. "I missed you mom." She said while crying. "I know. I missed you too." She said and replied back to her daughter. Everyone walked over. She looked and she saw the Autobots and the Decepticons. "Thank you everyone. For helping my husband and for helping my daughter and Primus." She said to everyone. Everyone nodded. Soon everyone went back to their homes. Knowing that they have won another battle.

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