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Location: New Kaon

Inside The New Kaon:

The Next Morning:

Kaon Palace:

Inside The Kaon Palace:

Med Bay:

You slowly opened your optics. You turned and you saw your warlord sitting on a chair in a recharge. "Megsy." I said. Megatron slowly opened his optics. He looked and saw you wide awake. He looked at the monitors. He saw that your vitals and Energon levels were back to normal. "Megsy." I said. Getting his attention. He looked at me. "Yes, my queen." He said and replied back to me. "Megsy. What's that on your arm that I saw yesterday?" I asked him. Megatron slowly got up and he walked over to you. "It was something to stop my Energon blood from bleeding out." I looked at him. "Huh." I said, getting really confused at what he said. He chuckled.

"Hannah. The reason why you are well now is because I ordered Knockout to do an energon blood transfusion." He said and explained to me. I immediately gasped. "Megsy." I said, shocked that he did an energon blood transfusion just for me. He put his servo up. "No, Hannah. Just hear me out. I… I was only thinking about you. I was only thinking about your health and not mine. I don't care about my health. Hannah. We already lost the unborn sparklings. And I… I wasn't going to lose you. I can't afford to lose you. I need you, my queen. And our three beautiful sparklings need you. And I know that StarLight still needs you." He said and explained to me.

He went down and nuzzled me. I purred, feeling the warmth coming from my warlord's faceplates. "So… am I good to go." I asked him. "Hmm. I don't know. We'll have to see what Knockout says. He'll probably say that you need to stay here for… a long time." He said and replied back to me. I looked at him. I pushed him. He smiled. I chuckled. "You're something else Megsy." I said. He huffed. "Well, at least I made you smile." He said and replied back to me. He went over. "Come on. Smile for me." He asked me. Soon he went and he tickled you. I immediately giggled and laughed. "Megsy. Please stop." I said and asked him. I knew one person who would save me from Megatron's tickles. And that is Jake.

"JAKE!!!!" I yelled. Soon the doors opened to the med bay. Megatron looked and he saw Jake. Jake growled at Megatron. But it was a playful growl. "Jake, get him." I said to Jake. Jake immediately ran. Megatron ran but soon Jake knocked him down. "Umph!" Megatron said while grunting. Megatron looked at him. Megatron reached for something. "Now. Who's a good boy?" He asked Jake. Jake barked. Megatron pulled out something and he threw it. Jake immediately ran and he grabbed the item. We both chuckled. Megatron walked over to you. "Now. Don't do that again." He asked me. I smiled. He shook his helm. Soon Knockout walked in. "Knockout." I said. Getting his attention. "Yes, your Majesty." He said and replied back to me.

"Am I good to go?" I asked him. He nodded. I reached up. "A different way Megsy." He looked at me. "Master. I think she is talking about what you used to do with StarLight. Giving her rides on your back." He said and explained to his master. Megatron looked at you. "Hannah. No. You know how my back is." I looked at him. "Megsy. Are you calling me fat and saying I weigh too much?" I asked him. Megatron looked at you. "No. I didn't say that, now did I." He said and asked me. "No. But it almost sounded like it." I said and replied back to Megatron. Megatron sighs. Megatron turned around. I slowly got up. I reached up and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He lifted me up and he put his arms under my legs to have support. "Ready." He asked me. I kissed his left cheek. "Ready." I said and replied back to Megatron. He nodded. Soon we walked off.

Location: Tarn's Base

Inside Tarn's Base:

Control Room:

Transformers Prime: Fanfiction Megatron's Human Lover 3: Family Sticks TogetherOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora