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Location: Hannah's Home

Inside Hannah's Home:

StarLight's Room:

Inside StarLight's Room:

StarLight was all grown up in her 20s. She's actually living at her carrier's house. She was sitting at the desk in her room when she felt servos. She quickly turned and she saw her brother MegaLight. She sighs in relief. "MegaLight." StarLight said. "Does mom and dad know that you are here?" She asked him. He gave her a smirk. Telling her no. That their mom and dad don't know that he is there. She groaned. "Use that to talk to mom and dad. Tell them that you are here." She said to her brother. MegaLight groaned. "Why." He asked her. "Because I know how father would react when he doesn't know where his sparklings are." She said and explained to her brother. MegaLight groaned. "Fine." He said. He walked over and grabbed the item. He then pushed some buttons. Soon his father appeared.

"Father. I am at StarLight's house seeing her." He said to his father. Megatron looked at his son and then at his daughter. "Dad. I told him that this idea wasn't good." She said and explained to her father. Megatron looked at his son. "And your sister is correct. But I am glad you are alright." He said and replied back to his son. "But you should've told me and your mother where you were going." He said to his son. MegaLight groaned. "I am sorry father. It won't happen again." He said and replied back to his father. Megatron chuckled. "I don't know about that. Because your sister used to sneak out without telling me or your mother." He said and explained to his son. StarLight groaned. "Don't remind me of that dad. I made a bad decision to sneak out. That was the time when our family was still in danger." She said to her father. Megatron hummed.

"Yes. You are right about that." He said and replied back to his daughter. Soon the doors open to the room. It was Troy. "Oh. Sorry. Am I interrupting anything?" He asked them. StarLight chuckled. "No. You aren't." She said and replied back to Troy. "Troy, you remember my brother MegaLight right." She asked him. "Yes I do." Troy said and replied back to StarLight. "Ahem." Megatron said. "Oh right. My bad. I forgot about you, father." She said and replied back to her father. Megatron scoffed. "Troy. You remember my father right." She asked him. Troy looked at him. "Yes. A lot." He said to StarLight. "It's nice seeing you sir." He said to Megatron. "Likewise Troy. And I am glad you aren't picking on my little girl anymore." He said and replied back to Troy.

"Father. Stop embarrassing me." She said to her father. "I ain't." He said and replied back to his daughter. "Megsy. I need you." Your voice said. Megatron sighs. "Look you two be good." He said to his children. He then looked at Troy. "And as for you Troy. I am keeping my eyes on you boy." He said to Troy. Soon the call ended. Troy looked at StarLight. "That was unexpected." He said to StarLight. "Yeah. That was." She said and replied back to Troy. "You are still up for that date." He asked her. She nodded. "Oh. Sissy got a hot date." He said to his sister. StarLight gasps. "Out MegaLight." She said to her brother. "Jeez. Party pooper." He said to his sister. He then walked off. Soon Troy and StarLight decided on what to do for their date.

Location: Nemesis

Inside The Nemesis:

In The Halls:

Megatron was looking at the results. He looked up and saw Soundwave. "Soundwave." He said. Soundwave looked up and saw his master. He walked over. "Yes, master." He said and replied back to his master. "How's the project coming along with repairing the new Kaon on Cybertron?" He asked him. "It's going well. Majesty is really excited about seeing our home planet." He said and replied back to his master. Megatron chuckled. "Yes. I know. I have been wanting her to see where we came from." He said to Soundwave. "Sir." A voice said. Megatron turned. "Yes. What is it?" Megatron said and replied back to his soldier. "Sir. Majesty wants to see you when you are free." He said to his master. Megatron nodded. "Thank you for letting me know." He said and replied back to the soldier. "You're welcome, my Liege." The soldier said to his master. The soldier walked off. "Excuse me, Soundwave. The queen needs me." He said to Soundwave. Soundwave nodded. Megatron walked off to see what you wanted. He watched his master walk off. Soundwave walked off heading to his room.

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