4- Saying Their Goodbyes. Finally Going Home.

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Location: Nemesis

Outside The Nemesis:

The Next Morning:

It was about time for us to head home. I hugged my father. "Be safe, my child." My dad said. I smiled. "I will." I said and replied back to my father. I gave a small kiss on my father's cheeks and he kissed my forehead. I went and hugged my mother. "Be strong. And I will look after your father. And take care of Jake." My mother says. "I will." I said and replied back to my mother. "My queen." The voice said. I turned and saw Megatron. "It's time to go." He said. I nodded. StarLight walked over. She gave me a hug. But she let go and walked over to her father. Megatron stood looking at his daughter. He was proud of what their daughter had become. She walked carefully and she stood in front of her father. She looked at him. And he looked at her. She bowed to her father, giving and showing him full respect.

He chuckled. He bowed back. He went up looking at her. He held his arms and soon she ran hugging him. He hugged her back. They both started having tears running down their faces. "I will always love you, my sweet child." He said and whispered to his daughter. She started crying. "I will always love you too, father." She said and whispered back to her father. "My Liege." The voice said. He looked and saw Soundwave. "It's time." Soundwave said. Megatron nodded. Megatron let go of his daughter. "Troy. You take care of her. You hear." He said to Troy. "Yes, sir. I will." He said and replied back to Megatron. He saw you walking over to him. You both smiled and waved you goodbyes. Soon you and Megatron walked inside the ship. Heading back home. To Kaon.

Location: Autobot Base

Inside The Autobot Base:

Main Lobby/Med Bay:

Agent Fowler, Jack, Miko, Raf, and June Darby were inside the Main Lobby/Med Bay saying their goodbyes to everyone. Except for Ratchet who was staying by. Agent Fowler walked up the stairs and saluted Prime. Prime saluted back. "Thank you Prime. For all your hard work and everything trying to help us and save us from the Decepticons." He said to Prime. "No need to thank me. We were just doing what we were doing. To help the innocent." He said and replied back to Agent Fowler. He turned and he looked at everyone that was in the room. "This war has been going on for millennia. But thanks to a certain mere human named Hannah. She has stopped the war and changed my brother and saved him from the darkness that got a hold of him. And now let's go home." He said to everyone. "Ratchet. Activate the bridge to Cybertron." He asked Ratchet. The bridge opened. Miko hugged Bulkhead. "I will miss you Bulkhead." She said to Bulkhead. "I will miss you too, Miko." He said and replied back to Miko.

Jack looked at Arcee. "We're going to miss you Arcee." He said to Arcee. Arcee smiled. "Same here Jack. We all will." She said and replied back to Jack. Raf and Bumblebee looked at each other. "Don't you forget about me." He said to Bumblebee. "I won't." He said and replied back to Raf. "Autobots." Prime said. They all looked at him. "It's time to finally head home." He said to his team. Prime looked at Ratchet. "Until we meet again, old friend." He said to Ratchet. Ratchet shook hands with Prime. "Until we meet again Prime." Ratchet said and replied back to Prime. Everyone said and waved their goodbyes. They walked through. And soon the bridge closed behind them. "You're going to miss them aren't you." June asked Ratchet. "Yes. A lot. But I made my decision to stay here and to protect you guys. But also to help with StarLight." He said and replied back to June Darby. Soon everyone left and went back to work.

Location: New Kaon

Inside The New Kaon:

Kaon Palace:

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