Chapter 3 : Interview

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Tommy woke up to his alarm ringing loudly and proudly. Turning of the alarm, Tommy sat on the edge of his used mattress that was on boxes that he called his bed.

Today was the day of the interview in the Hero Tower.

He got up and went into the bathroom and hoped into a nice warm shower to look fresh for the interview.

After a nice shower, Tommy put one of his nicest long sleeve white shirts and black jeans. He didn't have a nice button-down shirt or blazer because he couldn't afford to buy one. Tommy just had to make do of wat he had.

Tommy styled his hair more like just brushed it and made it look well kept.

He looked into the old mirror in his bathroom and saw a scar on his cheek. He got that after one of the foster moms smashed a wine bottle on the poor boy.

Just thinking about it made him wince. That house had a lot of problems.

Re entering the bedroom, he grabbed his keys and phone.

Looking at the time, he had 5 minutes to get to the bus stop.

Tommy grabbed his backpack and bolted it out of the apartment, locking the door behind him.

When They got to the bus stop, he sat down to chach his breath from all that running.

The bus arrived shortly after.

On the bus, he sat in the front row by a window. The only thing that was on his mind was how the interview would go and if he would make it on time concerning that the bus ride is two hours long.

Because he lived in district 100 and is going on a bus that stops somet times and the Hero Tower was in District 1.

To make himself stop thinking about that, he plugged in some wire earphones that he found in the dumpster a couple of months ago.

With every minute that passed, the houses looked nicer and nicer.

The time was 7:40 am. When Tommy got out of the bus, he looked around for clues to where the Hero Tower was located in District 1.

He has never been to District 1, so he wasn't familiar with the layout of it.

Until Tommy saw the massive tower that was two blocks away. Tommy sprinted to the tower like there was no tomorrow. When Tommy got to the Hero Tower, he realized how massive and tall it actually was.

He has only seen it in pictures.

Tommy took a deep breath and went inside. When Tommy stepped inside, he was met with a reception desk by the wall in front of him and a modern looking interior with some sofas, book shelves, vending machines, and plants.

This looked fancy as shit.

He went to the front desk. The lady spoke, and Tommy instantly recognized the voice. This is Hanna that he spoke to yesterday, "Wellcome to the Hero Tower! How may I help you?".

"Hello! I am here for the janitor/maintenance worker position interview." Tommy asked, with a hint of anxiety in his voice.

" Got it, so i will need your name to see if you are on the list, okay?" Hanna asked.

"My name is Tommy Innit." Tommy said, still a bit anxious and scared.

"Okay, you will have to wait a second so I can find your slot for the interview."

Tommy just nodded and waited while Hanna was typing on her computer.

Hanna murmured to herself over and over again ," Tommy Innit Tommy Innit Tommy Innit Tom..".

"Found it!" Seh exclaimed.

"Thear you go, this is your pass to the interview. When they call your number, that means that it is your turn." Tommy just nodded that he understood.

Tommy's number was 68.

"Whear dose the interviewing happen?"
Hanna pointed at the door on her left and said that there was the lobby to the interview and wished me good luck.

Going tough the door, Tommy saw at least twenty people.

They all looked way older than him, but at least thears not many of them. So he still had a shot to get the job.

They all had button down shirt and blouses. Tommy sat down in one of the empty seats.

He put on his wier earphones and started listening to music with one ear.

After what seemed like hours, his number got called "Next is number 68!".

Tommy went inside the room, and the interviewer looked like an assistant.

"Take a seat." He said, pointing at the chair in front of him.

Tommy put his bag on the ground and sat down.

"Let's start the interview. First question: What's your name?" The man said, taking a pen and a notebook presumably to write down information.

"My name is Tommy Innit." Tommy said he looked down to see his legs bouncing a little bit.

Fuck he was geting nervous.

The man nodded and wrote that down. " Second question: How old are you?"

"I am sixteen years old." Tommy said.

Since there was a rule now after the unemployment rate rocketing sky high, now sixteen year olds could work as well.

The man nodded again and wrote it down.

"Threaded question: Why do you want this job." Tommy sat still for a moment

What was he supposed to say 'Oh I really like scrubing floors and getting dirty fixing shit?!'.

"Well, everyone needs money. That is the reason why people get jobs. If you are lucky, you can get a job that is like a hobby to you and enjoy it." Tommy awnserd whit brutal honesty.

The man started at Tommy for a while but then wrote on his notepad.

"Last question: Do you have powers if so, what kind?"

Tommy was waiting for this question to pop up.

"Yes, I do have powers. I can mimic people powers by touching them after that I can get thear power for an hour or so. After that, I can use them at free will ,but if the power is really strong, like Thee Bleads' super straight or Crow Father wings, it can tier me out after usage." Tommy looked up to see the interviewer dumbfounded.

"I have never in my 20 years of working here heard of that type of power. I have seen a lot of speed and flaying powers, but mimicry powers are something new to me. " the assistant snapped out of his shock and wrote that down.

"Thank you for coming to the interview. We will e-mail you if you get the job. It should take at least 2 days." Tommy nodded and said bye to the interview.

When Tommy went outside of the room, he felt more at ease.

Now, he will have to just pray that he will get the job.

Word Count: 1138

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