Chapter 2 : Open position

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Tommy was looking through the daily newspaper while he was on break. It had been 2 days since he started looking for another job.

Flipping through the pages, he stumbled upon a page full of joblistings.


Tommy looked at all the joblistings, and one peeked his interest. "Maintenance worker and janitor job opening in the Hero Tower."

'This could be the job,' he murmured to himself.

Tommy looked at the job description and what they wanted experience wise. He had experience whit cleaning in his foster homes that used him. Also, cleaning was his first gig he did to get money after he escaped the foster system.

So he had plenty of experience. Tommy also fixed things as a side hustle and in the apartment.

So, experience wise, he had enough of it.

Then he looked at the pay. Holy shit, what they were paying almost as much as his other two jobs combined.

Although to be fair, the Hero Tower is fucking massive and has a lot of tech, floors and machinery.

Looking at the work time, he could take the closing shift at the store and work in the mornings at the Hero tower.

Tommy looked at clock he had a couple of minutes left of his break ended.

He pulled out his old cracked phone and called the number on the listing.

After a few rings, Tommy heard a female voice speak on the other side of the call.

"Hello, thanks for calling the Hero Tower. How may I help you?" She sounded nice enough.

"Hello, I was calling about the janitor and maintenance worker position. I was wondering if i could get an interview." Tommy said with hope in his voice.

He really needed that interview and job.

"Oh, okay, I can set that up for you. The interviewing will be tomorrow at 8am until 3pm." After hearing that, Tommy almost jumped out of happiness. Instead, he let out a relieved sigh.

"Thank you! For the info, " Tommy thanked the lady.
"No problem. But I need your name to get you a slot and pass for the interview." The lady on the other side of the phone said.

"My name is Tommy Innit."

"Thank you. I will put in your name on the list of people who are going to get interviewed." The lady said."Have a good evening!"

"You too -"

"The name is Hanna." Hanna interrupted Tommy.

"Have a nice evening, Hanna! Goodbye!"
Tommy said, giggling a little bit.

When the phone call ended, Tommy remembered he had the opening shift at Puffy's Cafe.

Fuck- he forgot.

He called Puffy and apologized for calling so late and explained the situation to her.

Tommy knows Puffy. Knowing she will probably understand him because he has told Puffy his situation in the past.

As expected

Puffy was understanding and allowed Tommy to take the day off. Tommy thanked her and ended the call with her.

He sighed in relief.

Then he went back to work.


After his uneventful and boring shift, he walked down the dimly lit side walk to his house.

Tommy was on high alert because it was night in district 100, which means thears a big chance that he will be either mugged or attacked.

When he got home, Tommy dropped his backpack by the doorway and looked at the time. 10:12pm. He had eight minutes until his and Tubbos' lesson.

Since Tommy couldn't afford to go to school, Tubbo decided to teach everything he learned at school.

He and Tommy would be in a video call until 12 p.m., sometimes just teaching him new things that he learned at school.

Tommy changed into his PJ'S and grabbed an apple as a snack.

He sat on the sofa and put his phone, pen, and paper on a carbord box he used as a makeshift table. He propeed his phone against a glass cup and waited until Tubbo called him.

Exactly at 10:20 p.m. Tommy got a video call from Tubbo. "Hey, Boss man!" The loud voice of Tubbo spoke.

"Helloo Bee boy." Tommy replied.

Are you ready for your teaching session?" Tommy nodded.

The next two or so hours, he learned about algebra and pre - calculus.

"Anyways, I think we are done for today. Is there anything new going on in your life?" Tubbo asked after he and Tommy discussed L'manburgs shit economic state.

"Actually, I do. Remember when I said I  was looking for work because I couldn't pay my rent?" Tubbo just nodded, remembering the night Tommy called him crying and panicking after the news.

"Well, I will go to an interview for a janitor and maintenance worker position at the Hero Tower tomorrow." Tommy could see a smile form on Tubbos face.
"That's great, Tommy! That also means you will work in the same building as Ranboo." Tubbo said

Ranboo works as the 404 team assistant. The job paid really well.

"Yhe, but i am just hoping that I will get the job. Because I am just a 16 year old that has some experience cleaning and fixing things. Thear will probably be professional and will have more experience than me."

The self-doubt is set inside of Tommy's mind.

"You are more than that. I am confident you will get the job. I am holding a thumbs up for you." Tommy smiled at the comment. He looked at the time.


It was 1 am.

He said goodbye to Tubbo and ended the call. Tommy didn't exactly like the fact that he would get less than eight hours of sleep, but he usually didn't, so he couldn't complain too much.

Tommy was tired out of his mind, so when he flopped in the bed, he instantly fell asleep.

Word count: 959

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