(Video: When Emma Falls In Love by Taylor Swift. Don't ask me how this relates to the story, because the simple answer is it doesn't. I just liked the song, and Speak Now (Taylor's Version) was amazing, so any swifties reading, here you go.)
I'm back! Ready to write another chapter. Let's see. I'm going to shoot for a longer chapter this time. 4 is the longest right now, and I'm hoping to change that! Let's get started!
"Cordé, are you ready?" Katé asked.
"I think so. The Jedi- or as I need to get used to saying, Ani, will be back soon. You need to get Padmé far away." Cordé responded.
"We know. Josh is trying. Padmé is unconscious, so everything is going according to plan. Waiting to arrive." Katé informed her. Cordé's hologram simply nodded.
"What are you planning?" Padmé asked, troubled by what she was hearing.
"Cordé- she's-" Padmé began.
"She's fine. She survived the explosion on Coruscant. Luckily we found her." Katé said.
"How on Naboo are you conscious?" Josh stormed into the room. "...Katé?" Josh looked at Katé like she hadn't done what he asked.
"She was unconscious, I swear! She just- she's getting immune to the after effects." Katé said, throwing her hands into the air.
"I SAID NO MISTAKES KATÉ! AND I MEANT IT!" Josh said, his temper out of control.
"You know, you remind my of my husband. He's moody and temperamental sometimes too." Padmé said, in a daze after a different sedative kicks in.
"I DONT WANT TO HEAR ABOUT...HIM." Josh said, spatting out him with such disgust Anakin might as well have been a moldy nasty banana on the worst flavor of melted ice cream with moldy chunks in it. (That would be really gross. I had trouble writing that, honestly, now I wanna throw up) Padmé passed out in a matter of moments.
"We need to be careful. We can't overdose or she might die." Katé commented, hooking her up to a few machines to check her vitals.
"I want her alive. That's all." Josh said, stroking Padmé's cheek. Padmé stirred slightly in discomfort until Josh removed his hand.
"Don't think she liked that." Katé teased.
"She'll grow used to it." Josh responded bitterly.
"Aren't we entering the atmosphere?" Katé asked.
"Yes," Josh muttered and walked back to the cockpit.

Anakin's POV
"Padmé, I'm home!" Today was a great day. I will have a mission in a week or so, but nothing long. I found out masters could access files about force healing, so I would need someone like Obi Wan to look at the files.
"Padmé?" Where was she?
"Padmé?!" She wasn't in the apartment. And I already checked the Senate. Apparently she hadn't gone into work today. I had assumed she didn't feel good enough to go, but why wasn't she here?
A broken vase stood on the floor, offering answers. Padmé would never break a vase, without cleaning it up at least. Which meant someone had interrupted her. Or at best, distracted her. Worst- no, someone wouldn't take her would they?
"Ani, I'm right here!" Padmé stood in the doorframe. But something was off. It was strange. Almost like it wasn't actually her. I held my hand over my lightsaber, subtlety enough an imposter wouldn't notice, but Padmé should.
As I suspected, "Padmé" didn't notice. So it had to be an imposter. In a sudden movement, I pulled out my lightsaber and held it far nearer to her neck that she could have been comfortable with.
"Don't call me that." I responded bitterly, my teeth clenched.
"Who are you?"
"Ani, darling-"
"WHO ARE YOU?" I yelled, just quiet enough it wouldn't disturb any neighbors.
"CORDÉ!" She yelled, slightly quieter than I was, trembling.
"Why are you here?" Cordé smiled.
"To protect Padmé. Isn't that what us handmaidens do?" She whispered, her voice shaky.
"From what?"
"I- you, I assume." I disabled my lightsaber.
"Me?" I choked.
"I don't know, really. I was warned Padmé was in danger. Padmé never was one to back off when danger arises. So, we had to surprise her, but for her own safety, I assure you." Cordé told me, more at ease with the lightsaber disabled.
"But aren't you Padmé's handmaiden that died while being a decoy before the war?"
"Well, sort of. I didn't die. I was found by some kind people who warned me of Padmé's situation."
"Why are you telling me this?" I felt vulnerable, even though I was the one who could defend myself. She wasn't armed from what I could tell. She wasn't force sensitive either. The best she could do is try to attack weaponless, or she could try to use a blaster. Neither should work. I'm far too powerful for a fragile thing like her to beat me weaponless, even if I didn't use my weapons. Even if she was hiding a blaster, my reflexes are always ready to either reflect it or dodge a blast. Either way, I would win. I didn't see a threat, other than my lack of knowledge. The force wasn't warning me, so I should be unafraid, but something about this seemed off, and the force seemed to find her, not as a threat, but an unbalance. Someone strange, unfamiliar to me, but I know Padmé would recognize her. It would be like looking in a mirror. But the force seemed to find her strange, but not threatening. Which seemed more terrifying that the force didn't know what to think of her. Odd. As if she was doing something wrong, but not by her own will? Or maybe being manipulated? Whatever it is, I should still be cautious. Her employer has Padmé. There's no way I'm losing Padmé. My angel will come home, unharmed. No matter what. Even if I don't.
"Because, we both want to save Padmé, right? I suggest we stay here and pretend nothing happened until my boss brings back Padmé." Cordé was calm, and far too collected.
"Who do you work for?" I asked. It couldn't hurt to get as much information as possible.
"Some man named Josh, and his friend, maybe a sister or girlfriend, Katé. They rescued me, and after hearing of Padmé's danger, I couldn't refuse the job." Cordé moved to the couch and sat down. I was too uneasy to follow her. Though thinking of the man, "Josh", having a girlfriend soothed my aching mind. That meant he probably wasn't interested in my angel, because he had his own girl. So that meant they were probably after someone close to her. Maybe even me. I have to save her.
"Take me."
"Take me to Padmé. Surely my presence will soothe her." I told Cordé, again resting my hand over my lightsaber in a similar fashion to earlier. If she's truly in danger, then surely she will be in less with her trusty Jedi protector. I internally scoffed at the name. It reminded me of when we first met. And yet, Cordé hesitated.
"Take me now!" This was unbearable. I wasn't going to play these games. Cordé was going to tell me where Padmé was, or I was going to find her myself. With my force sensitivity, and my bond with Padmé, it shouldn't be difficult. If I was able to sense danger around her as a Padawan, surely I would be able to sense her as a knighted Jedi.
"I don't think that's a good idea-"
"Fine. I'll use the force and find her in half the time without you." I stormed out the door, leaving Cordé bewildered, and somewhat frightened. And not by me. I could sense that. By her boss.

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