Hi! Thank you for clicking on this book! I’m going to try to update as much as possible! Let me know what you think. This is an anidala fanfic, and I'm considering adding characters like Ahsoka, but let me know if that's a good idea. I'm also considering other POVs. This is my first anidala book, so hopefully it isn't too horrible. Now for the story!

Padme was screaming with sweat dripping down her face.
“Come on, Padme. Don’t give up!” Padme continued to scream and there was the sound of a baby crying in the background. Padme continued to scream. The baby crying intensified. Padme’s screams softened, but she went limp and the screams stopped.

Anakin woke up with a start. He looked at Padme, and then walked out to the balcony. He looked out, contemplating what to do.
“Ani?” Padme said in a sweet voice. “What’s wrong?” She asked.
“I had a nightmare- but it was just a dream,” Anakin said, although it was clear that he didn’t believe that it was just a nightmare.
“Tell me,” Padme said, and they sat together on the couch.
“I dreamt that you died in childbirth,” Anakin said, worry laced into his tone, with tears threatening to spill. Padme had a shocked and worried expression, but her face softened.
“I’ll be fine, Ani. I won’t die in childbirth,” She assured him. He looked at her, and he gave her a small smile.
“But, if you really are worried, then talk to Obi-Wan. We are going to need more help than the two of us can provide.” Padme told her husband, and gave him a peck on the cheek. Anakin nodded, and Padme stood up, grasping his hand.
“We’ll be okay,” Padme promised, and they both headed back to bed, with a strange sense of security.

The next morning, Anakin swiftly made his way down the halls of the Jedi temple.
"Where are you going in such a hurry?" Obi-Wan asked. Anakin stopped abruptly. A troubled look spread across his face.
"I'm going to the archives." He said quickly, and then moved on. Obi-Wan looked at him suspiciously.
"I- wanted to look for something." Anakin answered. He had to be careful, Obi-Wan couldn't find out about Padme and him- could he? Anakin hated the lies and deception, but even though Padme felt certain about Obi-Wan’s reaction, Anakin wanted to be careful. He would only tell Obi-Wan if he felt it was necessary.
"I'll help you. Jocasta isn't the most helpful." Obi-Wan said, joining Anakin as he walked to the archives.
"Thank you," Anakin said hesitantly. They walked to the archives together.
"I sense your worry. What's wrong?" Obi-Wan asked. Anakin smiled at Obi-Wan, attempting to reassure him.
"Nothing. I just wanted to work on my studies." Anakin responded carefully.
"Come on, you can tell me." Obi-Wan assured him.
“Well, I can sense that someone close to me might die." Anakin admitted quietly and hesitantly. Maybe Padme was right.
"Who?" Obi-Wan asked.
"You ask too many questions, master."  Anakin avoided the question. Maybe it would be smarter to avoid talking about Padme unless he has to.
"Only to keep you out of trouble," Obi-Wan answered as they reached the archives, and Anakin chuckled.
"Hello, Master Kenobi, Skywalker. Do you need assistance?" Jocasta Nu asked them as they entered the library.
"Not today, thank you," Obi-Wan told her. She nodded and walked away to assist a youngling.
"Well, I’d better be getting along. I’m being called by the council. Try force healing,” Obi-Wan advised looking at his comlink as it blinked furiously. Anakin nodded, and headed towards a shelf of books.

Anakin slowly lost track of time, and he buried himself in his books. He couldn’t find what he was looking for, and his frustration began to get the better of him. “THERE’S NOTHING HERE!” He yelled, slamming his book shut and using the force to throw it across the room, and it slammed up against the wall. The book fell harmlessly on the floor.
“You requested assistance?” Jocasta asked. Anakin sighed, trying to get his anger under control.
“Not exactly, but I could use help finding a certain topic.” Anakin said, keeping his anger in check. He had read much about anger leading people to the dark side, and he attempted to follow the advice of the books.
“What is the topic?” She asked.
“Force healing,” Anakin answered, glancing at the books on the desk. Jocasta walked over to a computer, and searched for force healing.
“Well, it isn’t in the regular files. I’m afraid Jedi knights cannot have access to the book you are looking for.” She told him. Anakin turned away.
"I'll put away these books," She offered, picking up the large stack of books and carrying them away. Anakin paid no attention and walked out of the library, not saying a word, pain and anger shown clearly all over his face.
Anakin walked aimlessly around the temple, his hood covering his face. Attempting to control his emotions, he headed for the council meeting room. To his surprise, Yoda was sitting on the ground meditating. He stepped in the room, but quickly stepped out.
"Go, do not, young Skywalker." Yoda said, opening his eyes. Anakin was taken aback, but entered the room nonetheless.
"Take a seat, young Skywalker will." Yoda said, gesturing towards a chair. Anakin silently sat down in the chair he was pointing at.
"Bothering you, something is?" Yoda asked, and Anakin did not make a sound.
"Well, you see, master-" Anakin began, but didn't proceed, as Yoda stood up.
"Fear to lose someone, you do?" Yoda asked. Anakin tensed, hoping Yoda wouldn't be able to know who was afraid of losing- and hoping he wouldn't find out why he was afraid of losing her either.
"Yes," Anakin said softly.
"Thought so, I did. Understand your problem, I do. Do not fear, know who it is, I do not. Yet, advice I have." Yoda said, though Anakin wasn't put at ease, he was willing to hear what Master Yoda had to say.
"Fear loss, you should not. Celebrate those who descend to the force. Mourn them, do not. Miss them, do not." Yoda told him, and then walked out of the room. Anakin considered what Yoda had to say.
As Anakin considered his circumstances, he felt a feeling of betrayal sink in. What if Obi-Wan was lying? What if he was trying to lead Anakin on… to distract him from something. He wouldn't do that… right?
Anakin tried to shake the feeling. He couldn't bring himself to accept Yoda's advice, so there had to be another alternative. Somehow Anakin knew Obi-Wan wasn't lying. Somehow Anakin knew he wouldn't be able to give up Padmé without doing everything he could to save her. He just knew it would be more difficult than he had anticipated.

Thank you for reading! Next chapter should be up next Wednesday. I'll be pretty busy this week, so I'll let you know if I can't post on time!

{1,180 words}

(Spoiler Alert, I don't have Chapter 2 ready and it's already behind schedule)

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