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Sad ending aka bad ending 😁

This time, it wont be focused only on Bakugou, it'll be just a general view of everyone.


Izuku scrambled over the railing, grasping at nothing but thin air.

"I'm sorry for all that I did, nerd. Hope you're happy."

Did he really think he would be happy with him dying? Did all that he said not make a dent in his opinions?

The door to the roof slammed open, Aizawa rushing out with some other classmates trailing behind him. "We heard his name, did you find hi-... Midoriya, where is he-?"

Izuku was trembling, tears streaming down as he tried to find a solution, anything, what can he do-

All he could do was shut his eyes and count the seconds. He couldn't think straight. Nothing made sense. Why, why, why, why, why couldn't he save him, why couldn't he see the signs?

He could hear Aizawa shouting orders at pro heroes, hoping to save him, anything to even give him the slightest chance of surviving but-

With a sickening crack, All Might in his frail form stared at the mutilated body that used to have a name, a life, but no, everyone was too blind, everyone did things they swore were justified, they became the one thing they swore to destroy-

A slight smile graced the features of the close eyed corpse, blood seeping out of his body, his arms, his legs, his lifeless, limp, scarred, body.

His limbs were bent in ways they shouldn't, his head lolling to the side.

Toshinori slowly approached the once young boy, eyes blank. He had seen plenty of deaths, plenty tortured people, but he had never seen anyone take their own life, their own body tortured by themselves, their own body ruined because of their own choices.

The amount of pain Bakugou had felt had been greater than anything he had seen, and he had seen a lot of shit.

There was no point in checking the pulse. There was no way he would survive.

Toshinori slowly readjusted the limbs of the kid he had thought was the deliverer of pain. He thought that this kid was the faucet, spewing out the water, but no, he had only been a cup at its capacity's limit, until the water pressure finally got to him and he finally broke.

His hands were bloody, and so were his clothes. But he didn't mind. After all that Bakugou must have gone through to resort to this, he deserved to at least rest peacefully.

Bakugou had been one of the strongest kids he knew. If it were anyone else, they would've broken ten times sooner. Yet he withstood everything, facing more than ten times the pain everyone else felt, until he had finally broken.

The sun had finally risen. It was officially a new day. The bag of white powder slowly spilled over the edge. The wind picked it up and blew it far.

Let this sweet scent carry memories of the "monster of UA".


Dear, well, everyone.

The breaths of everyone were heavy and laced with sadness.

So, I'm finally gone.

Despite how terrible his reputation was, only a single person missed his funeral.

I know it's hard to believe, but I've been struggling for a while. The hospital burning down was my last straw. Those kids were everything to me. Those kids were my only family.

My so-called "mother" had hated me. Yelling, pain, blood, alcohol, they all happened behind closed doors. My so-called friends only cared for a week before they left.

Eyes widened. Everyone looked around. The single person who didn't show was his own mother.

No one loved me, except for them, and then they died. So I decided I would too.

But let's not make this a sob story.

Before, everyone would've said "Good, no one cares," or not even have listened to this at all. But now, it only worsened the tears. Even after his death, he deflected his pain and paid no mind to it.

I want to say my thanks.

I want to thank my mother. Despite her abuse, she still raised me, and without her forcing me to get her money for alcohol, I would've never met the kids.

Stupid. Stupid fucking idiot. He still thanked her even though she was an abuser. Somehow, every line on the paper made everything so much more unbearably sad.

I want to thank my classmates. Like, Sato! Thanks for my birthday cake. And, Kirishima, Jirou, Denki, Mina, thanks for caring for me in that one week! Despite what I've said to you all before, I truly do care about you. If you look in my dorm room desk, second drawer down, I've created a journal just for taking notes on your quirks and notes that would help you all improve.

Did it really just get sadder? Yes. Yes it did because he cared about them, he observed them, he wanted to help them and all they did was bully him to his suicide. Don't even mention the birthday part too.

I want to thank the pro heroes, and teachers. You've helped me improve myself beyond what I could do myself.

Aizawa turned away. Thank him for what? He had turned a blind eye to the clear bullying, and now this kid was thanking him.

Most of all, I want to thank Vanilla. There's way too much for me to write to you, so I'll put it in a separate letter.

Let's be honest, you all probably don't even care right now. Because I was just a monster, too human-like to kill. Now, I'm finally out of your hair. I wish you guys the best in life. Thanks for putting up with me for so long.

How could he be so wrong?

Ps. Please find the person who set fire to the hospital. I will personally haunt them.

I'll be watching y'all down in hell, where I belong. Stay safe, live well, and finally be happy that I'm gone. I'll do my best to protect you from my circle in hell. Because, even if you guys hate me, I will always love all of you.

Signed, Katsuki Bakugou.


The following years went down like this. Uraraka turned herself in, confessing she had only wanted Bakugou to go to jail so he would stay away from them. She didn't mean for anyone to die, and thought that planting his hair there, plus the fact that he had such a fiery quirk would put the blame on him. She never intended for this to happen. She was promptly arrested, along with Katsuki's mother.

The rest of the school years for every one of Katsuki's classmates were... quiet, to say the least. No one felt like talking. Smiles were rare and far in between. Jokes faded with only so much as a slight huff of amusement. Grades flailed, but teachers allowed curves, knowing how they had all been affected, and truth be told, they had no energy either. All were sent to therapy, along with classes about how to recognize self harm, bullying, self hatred, etc.

Graduation was half hearted. They all went along with their lives, a part of their hearts broken. They would slowly heal with time, but shattered glass will never be truly fixed without a few cracks.

They all wore a small pin, close to their hearts. An orange and black explosion, with the two tiny gold engraved letters BK.

Who knew that the villain of UA, the monster of UA, the bully, the heartless dick, could touch so many of the hearts that they met?

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