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So praying didn't work.

The next couple days were lonely. No one came to visit. Just the nurses, and the occasional fly. Not even Sai or Neji visited, and honestly, Bakugou didn't blame them after that day. He stared out the window, watching happy people stroll by, with children that had ice creams in one hand and a parent's hand in the other.

Where did he go wrong? Why couldn't that be him?

Why was he the chosen one to suffer?


He was released from the hospital a few days later. It was raining, pouring, but he knew he would have to walk back. After all, no one cared enough to actually pick him up. And it was set to rain for quite a while, so no use trying to wait for the rain to stop, because he would've died from hypothermia by then. Which didn't sound bad, but that sounded like a slow way to die, and he wanted it quick and easy. So walking back it is.

As he was walking by a convenience store, he noticed a sweet smell in the air. A sweet, floral scent. An addicting scent. He followed it, almost unable to tear himself away. It was like he was in a trance. A trance caused by that scent.

He followed the scent until he was led to a man. Wearing a mask, a large trench coat and a hood. Well, who could blame him, the rain was pretty cold.

"Oi, kid, what are ya doin' here? Don'tcha know how illegal this is? I swear if you tell a single soul, I will personally hunt you..."

Bakugou cut in. "How much for the bag of cocaine?"


"You heard me, how much?"

The man's harsh eyes softened. "Kid, you don't know what you're getting yourself into. Once you get into it, you can't stop. You lose yourself, your friends, your family. You don't want this."

Bakugou looked away. "I have no friends or family. My mom hates me, my friendships are dead. And, losing myself is the exact reason why I want cocaine. I'm sick, I'm tired, and I'm fed up with myself and I don't wanna be me. I want to be someone else, someone happy, someone that actually has emotions other than sad. So I repeat myself. How. Much?"

The dealer was at a loss of words. He knew this feeling too well. He knew because he had experienced it before. But that was much, much older. He was 30-something at that point. And now, this teenager, looking to be 16-17, was here, asking for drugs to lose himself in. And he knew that the kid probably would go broke on them. So he did it out of sympathy. Out of empathy.

He handed a bag over to the spiky blonde. It was filled with white powder. "Here kid. Whenever you need a refill, talk to me. Don't overdose it, k? I'll be right here if you need more."

Bakugou looked surprised. He knew that shit was expensive as fuck. But he wasn't complaining. "Thanks man. I'll... probably see you soon."

As Bakugou walked away, Hisashi took off his hood. "What have they done to you, kid? You used to be so happy... What has UA done to you?"


Bakugou entered the dorms, his bag of cocaine hiding in his shirt. He avoided all glances. He had no idea how he had smuggled a bag of cocaine past UA security, but he guessed it was probably because no one cared enough to check him.

Soon enough, the insults started pouring in.

"Awwww, someone had to use perfume after crawling out of the trash!"

"As nice as you smell, you can't cover the smell of a MONSTER!"

"I absolutely ENVY everyone who has never met you! But honestly, with the way you act, with your ugly ass hair and stupid yelling everyday, your cocky narcissistic attitude, I'm surprised if there are people that DON'T KNOW YOU!!! HAHAHAHAHA!"


Everyone burst out laughing, pulling up the subreddit r/bakugoukatsukihate, which was obviously made by Uraraka. Bakugou walked into his dorm, ignoring them all. Or, at least he tried. He knew the subreddit existed a long time ago, but it still hurts. As he entered the room, he pulled out the alcohol he bought earlier. The cocaine was placed on the desk, and he poured the alcohol into a cup.

He picked up the cup and took a swig. Then, picking up the bag of cocaine, he poured a little into his hand. Slowly he raised his hand to his nose. And he took a snort.

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